Window to the world - TV in the kitchen

TV has become an integral part of many people's lives. For those who spend a lot of time in the kitchen, the presence of such a means of entertainment there is a necessity. First of all, television is considered as a source of information, which you should not deprive yourself.

In order to use the TV in the kitchen was convenient and safe, you need to consider all the features of this room.

Which TV suits the kitchen

The characteristics of the TV for the kitchen are slightly different from the models suitable for installation in other rooms. It is believed that the minimum size of this appliance is 15 inches. In this case, the size of the kitchen itself should be taken into account. If such a room is non-standard and has a large area, then the small device will be lost among other things.

For a large kitchen, the range of options for installing a monitor and choosing a model is expanding significantly. Here you can put a modern device with a diagonal from 24 to 36 inches. It should be borne in mind that a high-quality image on the LCD monitor can be obtained by setting it at a certain angle. Moreover, such models are characterized by an acceptable price. LED TVs provide excellent image from any angle. Therefore, they can be used without restrictions in any corner of the kitchen. A narrower housing than others makes it easy to find a suitable place for such a device. The only difficulty that arises in installing a large TV is the inability to integrate it into furniture. At the same time, additional features of the device, such as USB, DVD, Blu-Ray and others, can be a bonus.

It is better if the body of the monitor is combined with the color of the interior. Universal will be black. But you can give freedom of imagination and choose a bright color that harmoniously blends into the overall environment.

In a small kitchen, a small TV will organically look. Allowed size can reach 20 inches. To watch programs on such a device, you do not need to strain your eyesight, while it will ergonomically fit into the compact size of the room. It is better if the model is flat and as light as possible. Then it will be easier to find a place for a TV in a small area.

A small kitchen will not allow you to freely choose the point from which you can watch TV. Therefore, the selected model should allow in all colors to see what is happening on the screen, even with an unsuccessful angle or too bright light.

The kitchen TV should have great sound. This is due to the fact that most of the time you will have to listen to TV, since work in the kitchen is associated with increased attention.

How to place a TV

The main condition for choosing a place to install the TV is its location away from water and stove. Mostly monitors have:

  1. mounted in furniture;
  2. separate from the furniture.

In addition to the usual mounting of the TV on the wall on the supplied movable bracket, there are many more ways. For example, a TV mounted over household appliances will create an unusual setting for the kitchen of the future, where all functions are performed by computers. The monitor along with a dishwasher and a microwave can create the necessary surroundings.

An ideal place for the device can be a shallow niche. If its back wall is painted in the main color of the situation, then you can harmoniously fit the TV into the interior of the kitchen. A niche can be replaced with a shelf on which the TV will look no worse. This design move is perfect for a classic style kitchen.

One of the common options is the high placement of the television apparatus. Usually it is suspended directly under the ceiling. This position allows you to watch programs for those who have long been standing. The farthest corner will be the best for viewing. For high placement of the monitor, the surface of the refrigerator or cabinet is suitable. In the closet, you can use sliding doors to hide the TV when it is not needed.

The optimal placement for the TV would be the level of the eyes of those in the kitchen. If most of the time everyone is sitting at the table, then the TV should be where it is convenient to watch from a sitting position. This arrangement is suitable for the kitchen-dining room.

For a small monitor, you can use an empty corner. It is better to hang it or just put it on the table. Most often, not all corners in the kitchen are used and one of them can become a convenient place for a TV.

Some models offer the ability to tilt the monitor like a TV in an airplane. When folded, such a device is invisible and can even be hidden by decorative elements like curtains or dampers. Folding varieties are small in size and are most suitable for small rooms.

A convenient option would be to use the living room as a place to mount the monitor. This is possible in the case of a common wall between two rooms or when the living room wall is in the field of view of the one in the kitchen.

To organically fit a modern TV into the kitchen interior made of natural wood or stone, you can use decorative elements from the same material. But the main thing to remember is that appliances in the kitchen, first of all, need a careful attitude. It should be protected from water, splashing oil and food particles. If you follow all safety precautions, then the TV will not only give the kitchen a finished look, but will also perform its functions for a long time.

Watch the video: The Living Room featuring Gro Wall 4 installation into kitchen window (October 2024).

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