A place to sleep and more

Regardless of the size of the room, in any home there is a basic element of the interior that forms the overall design. And it is predictable that such an element in the bedroom is a chic bed. There should always reign coziness and comfort, and the general atmosphere - to relax and inspire a dream. And in this the bed plays a very important role.

Bed arrangement

The bed frame is a frame made of wood or metal. Depending on the design and preferences, beds can stand both on legs and on racks.

When choosing a bed should pay attention to its base. It can be rigid, that is, a wooden frame with planks or a sheet of plywood, and also consist of springs made of metal or rubber. The base of the bed is the main criterion for the selection of a mattress.

How to choose a bed

Given the many variations in the size, shape and content of the beds currently offered to the buyer, it is not easy to decide on the most optimal option, which will be balanced in all respects. Before you buy a bed, you should pay attention to some points. In height, it should not be lower than 45 centimeters. As for the width, the most convenient are single models with a width of 90 centimeters, and double - about 160 centimeters.

For fans of reading or watching TV before going to bed, it is better when the headboard will have an optimal height.

In order not to hurt yourself and feel more comfortable, you must give preference to the design, the sides of the frame of which are at different levels with the top edge of the mattress.

In order for the bed to provide not only a convenient pastime, but also to have other functional features, it is worth taking a closer look at the model, which has a special drawer at the foot. It is suitable for bedspreads, bedding, extra pillows and other bedding.

But not only these aspects make the bed suitable for a comfortable sleep. Of great importance is the choice of mattress.

Types of mattresses

By their structure, mattresses are divided into springy and filled. About 20-30 years ago, springy mattresses were widespread. Not only sleeping, but just lying on them was not very convenient and pleasant, since the spring base, the plywood layer and the thin fabric in which all this was hidden did not provide the proper level of comfort. With the independent placement of the springs, each of them is in its own pocket, and during loading, the action of the spring practically does not affect the location of the neighboring one, thus eliminating the undesirable concavity effect. There are cheaper options and, accordingly, inferior in their characteristics - these are bonel mattresses. In this case, all the springs are closely interconnected, and under load, a hammock effect is created. The only advantage of such mattresses is an affordable price. On spring models, dirt and dust accumulate, which is very difficult to clean. A serious drawback is that the spine begins to sag during wear, which prevents complete relaxation of the muscles and the adoption of the correct position of the body.

Mattresses with filler are lightweight, able to hold their shape and depending on the filler will satisfy any wishes. It depends on it stiffness and proper load distribution.

Today, mattresses use batting, foam, horsehair, latex and coir. Less quality materials are batting and foam rubber (except for the latex type). Their main disadvantages are poor elasticity, moisture resistance and tendency to roll. But still, for a buyer with a limited budget, this option will be a worthy choice. Some of the best fillers are latex, coir and horsehair. They have excellent properties. The only thing allergy sufferers should not buy horse hair models. As an upholstery, it is better to choose a jacquard material. It combines both cotton and synthetic fabrics. Jacquard is durable, environmentally friendly and pleasant to the touch. An alternative to it can be flock, but it is much worse in basic properties.

Choice according to needs

The mattress should fit snugly to the base of the bed, fit it in size. For convenience, some models are placed in a special case that can be cleaned of dirt. The choice of hard or soft option is determined by the wishes of the buyer, his state of health. It is important to correctly choose a mattress, in accordance with body weight and physical needs. So, for babies up to 3 years old a mattress without springs with coconut flakes is perfect, for older children - a latex model.

Normal-bodied people should buy spring-free latex-filled options or spring soft mattresses.

Full is better to give preference to rigid models with dense designs, and older mattresses are perfect mattresses of medium hardness.

Watch the video: Sleep. How To Fall Asleep. How To Sleep Fast (October 2024).

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