What is a burgundy orchid, what care does it require and how does it look in the photo?

If life is dull and monotonous, you want a bright exotic, try to make friends with orchids. And to add mood and raise vitality, a better kind of tropical miracle than burgundy phalaenopsis can not be found.

Elegant, bright, alluring color of flowers will refresh and add joy to your home. And how to care for this beautiful flower - read in our article. We also recommend watching a useful video on this topic.

What it is?


Phalaenopsis burgundy is a hybrid, the result of several crosses, belongs to the ancient family of orchids, the genus epiphytic (grow on stumps and tree trunks, in gorges of rocks, in mountain forests, on stones). The birthplace of this beautiful phalaenopsis is southeast Asia, any tropical area.


Phalaenopsis burgundy - the average type of orchids. It usually grows 5-6 bright green leaves of an oval oblong shape about 35 cm in size. The leaves are large, glossy.

The flower petals are bright burgundy, have several shades: from maroon to red. Petals are rounded, grow up to 5 - 6 cm. Peduncle large enough, can grow up to half a meter.



Bright "flashy" color of the petals will revive any mood, decorate any holiday. Very fragile, elite flower. The stalk is long, thin. The leaves are fleshy, dense, bright green, grow up to 40 - 45 cm. Inflorescences of a red orchid can consist of one or several flowers, sometimes there are about 40 of them. This is the generosity of flowering!

Miniature phalaenopsis

A rare species of phalaenopsis, usually have 2 peduncles. The leaves are dense, waxy, grow up to 30 - 35 cm. The flower itself is very similar to a butterfly - tender, bright, elegant and graceful.

Breeding History

The "source" of the bright miracle of burgundy orchid is a night flower - a moth, which was discovered on Ambon Island by Professor Blume in the 18th century. Centuries later, beautiful “butterflies” filled our houses and apartments. Burgundy Phalaenopsis - a hybrid varietyperfectly adapted to our conditions, climate. Today this variety is very popular because of the bright colors and unpretentiousness.



Burgundy phalaenopsis loves to soak in a warm and bright room. But the direct, scorching sun can burn the leaves and petals of the flowers themselves, so in summer it is better to shade the windows, especially on the south side. The flower feels best on the western or eastern windows. In winter, when there is a lack of light, additional illumination is used to increase daylight hours to 10 - 12 hours.


Watering is closely related to light and moisture. If there is enough light, leaves and roots are diseased, then watering should be moderate - 1 time in 7-8 days. In summer, burgundy orchid is watered once a week.. But it is better to focus on the state of the substrate. If the soil is dry, then only watering is required.

Water only with warm, settled or rain, melt water. Orchid also loves a warm shower. You can water it using the loading method - lower the pot into a bucket of water for 20 minutes, the orchid will receive the necessary moisture. Next, let the orchid stand well, let the excess liquid drain into the pan through the drainage holes.

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to pour out excess water from the sump so as not to soak the roots. This provokes rotting of the roots. Be sure to dry the leaf axils well after pouring with cotton swabs so that rot does not appear.

Watch the video about the correct watering of an orchid (phalaenopsis):

Temperature and humidity

Burgundy phalaenopsis loves heat and humidity, like its tropical ancestors:

  • Temperature - 24 - 29 ° C during the day. At night - no lower than 15 - 16 ° C.
  • The temperature difference should not exceed 9 - 10 ° C.
  • Humidity is average - 50 - 70%.

Soil and pot

The soil for a burgundy orchid should be loose and light, its composition:

  • Drainage - pieces of expanded clay, pebbles, placed on the bottom of the pot.
  • Medium pieces of pine bark, peeled and well disinfected (boil the substrate for several minutes).
  • Charcoal.
  • Moss - Sphagnum.
  • You will need a medium-sized transparent plastic pot with holes for drainage, holes not only at the bottom, but also on the sides of the pot.
  • The height of the pot and the width in diameter should be the same.
  • The root of the burgundy orchid is powerful, make sure that the root feels free and comfortable.

Top dressing

It is recommended to eat burgundy phalaenopsis no more than 1 time per week. It is better to buy special fertilizers in stores with the obligatory mark: "For orchids." Usually, top dressing is done simultaneously with watering, so the necessary top dressing will evenly reach its goal.

During the growth period, a composition is used for feeding (ratio - 1: 3: 1):

  • calcium nitrate;
  • nitrogen;
  • magnesium sulfate.
TIP: In winter, with a decrease in illumination and a low temperature, the amount of fertilizer with nitrogen is reduced by 1.5 - 2 times. The main thing is not to harm, you can cause intoxication and death of the orchid.

Watch the video about the proper feeding of orchids (phalaenopsis):


The roots in the pot with the substrate should feel free and comfortable, do not push, do not tamp the substrate so that its components do not compress. Transplantation is the most painless method.:

  1. Soak the substrate well, immerse it in water with a solution of epin for 30 - 40 minutes.
  2. Carefully free the roots from the old substrate.
  3. Rinse the roots with warm water.
  4. With a clean tool, cut off rotten and dead roots.
  5. Sprinkle the cuts with cinnamon or crushed charcoal for disinfection.
  6. Dry the renewed orchid well.
  7. You need to plant in a new disinfected substrate.

Burgundy orchid is not capricious, with proper care, it will soon recover from stress.

Watch the video about the correct transplantation (transshipment) of phalaenopsis:


The burgundy orchid is usually bred only by "children" - small processes. Orchid propagation is best done from February to May - June.

The procedure for separating the "kids":

  1. We select an adult, with a good overgrown root, large large leaves orchid. The flowers should already bloom, and the peduncle should still be fresh.
  2. With a knife on the peduncle, the top is cut to the upper "sleeping" kidney, the place of the cut is sprinkled with charcoal or cinnamon.
  3. We transplant a new shoot into pre-prepared small pots with the necessary substrate.
  4. Watering must be suspended for 4 - 5 days, the plant needs to recover.

Watch the video about the reproduction of orchids (phalaenopsis) by children:

Pests and diseases

  • Spider mite - The most common "pest" for burgundy phalaenopsis, it multiplies very quickly and almost eats the plant. From any ticks and other pests, flower growers recommend immediately spraying the orchid with a special solution or soak it for 15 minutes with the roots, in an insecticide and quarantine it (for at least a month).
  • Various rot, especially in summer, the roots and leaves of a weakened orchid are affected, the flower can rot, die. If you see the root rot, immediately save the flower: transplant, carefully cut out all the rotten roots with a knife. "Wounds" should be disinfected, sprinkled with cinnamon and greased with foundationazole.
  • Fungus in the bark, on the leaves. An emergency transplant is advisable here. The infected substrate should be changed. Disinfect the pot, treat the window sill or the place where the pots stand. Use a spray of phytosporin solution or any other antifungal drug. It is necessary to dose the medicine very moderately, since the medicine, if taken incorrectly, negatively affects the root system as a whole. To disinfect the roots, you can treat them with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Yellowing leaves - the orchid "overheated" in the sun. Take it to darker places. But the light should still come smoothly and gently.
  • Dropping buds and leaves - little light. If it is autumn or winter, use additional lamps, extend the daylight hours to your flowers.
ATTENTION: Beware of drafts. Do not place pots above radiators.


Phalaenopsis burgundy orchid has many varieties, but they are all in great demand and loved by collectors. These wonderful hybrids feel good with enough care.

They bloom several times a year, bloom for a long time: solemnly and festively, surprise, delight, give a delicate aroma beautiful bloom!

Watch the video: What's wrong with my Orchid? - Top common Orchid problems Part 1 (October 2024).

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