Minor and major in your bedroom

The organization of space is subordinate to any style. The design in the house is determined by the subconscious reading of information, and its acceptance or rejection of colors and shapes. One glance is enough to create a concrete impression of an object or situation in a couple of seconds. So, a look in the picture captures attention at the top of the left corner, and immediately moves to the lower right. Then it clings to the bright fragments of the plot, and only then focuses on the content. The meaning of the picture is perceived in stages: first, tone contrast, color saturation, then the energy incorporated into it.

There are no trifles in the design of the walls of the bedroom. There are a number of features that you should be aware of in order not to spoil with careless dotted strokes the integrity of your impressions. The color intensity will be annoying, and faceless neutrality will inspire boredom. Everything is simple - we swap accents.

The bright design of the room is neutralized by discreet color as opposed to the dominant shade, and organically dilute the grayness with contrasting canvases. We will support the surroundings with a pair of accessories matching in tone. The owners of modest apartments remember the influence of dark and light shades, and in choosing the composition they are guided by square meters. Dark colors are logical for the decor of open spaces, and with accuracy, on the contrary, they will be perceived in a small space. The light palette is absolutely insidious, and visually saves the area of ​​a small room.

Now we turn our attention to dimensions and focus. Both factors also matter. The overall dimensions of the portrait format of vertical aspiration are combined with high ceilings of houses, so in urban apartments we give preference to paintings with horizontally arranged compositions.

The scale of the plot can be estimated only from a distance of several meters. On spacious walls, participation in the design of small illustrations will be minimized - they will simply be lost against the general background. Dense wall saturation is critical for standard rooms. If you intend to hang several reproductions - a third of the wall should gap with a void.

Subjects for mood

How else can you decorate a bedroom, if not a canvas over the headboard? It is possible to decorate the walls not only with expensive tapestries and artists' originals, but also use high-quality copies, choose photo-reproduction plots, pictures transferred to the canvas using photo printing, copyright prints, modular panels, colorful posters or any kind of painting to your heart.

Complementing the design with interior paintings, do not forget about the bedroom, providing for their proper distribution around the perimeter. Consider also the vibrational frequency of the content, which promotes relaxation or energizing energy. At the head, pacifying screensavers, Japanese sansui-style landscapes and versatile plots are welcome. They act on the subconscious with subdued colors and a realistic sense of touch. This is music for sleeping, with captured notes on canvas. Conservative design is inclined to the choice of urban sketches, delicate floral arrangements made in the original batik technique.

Maintain style and theme

In continuation of the good traditions, it should be noted the purpose of the canvases, which are designed to "work" on the stylistic idea. They become not just a decorative attribute for the surroundings, but also continue the given theme. Such an interior may require space, volume, scale, and have a touch of antiquity. Impressive triptychs set the tone and outline the style; they are energetically and aesthetically present in a given theme. It is worth replacing the compositional plot, for example, with a floral pattern, as the activity of participation of canvases in the interior will fade noticeably, as well as the indicated concept. Take a look at the photo.

Modern trends also involve another organization of space, intertwining technology, techniques and design techniques that are amazingly organic in combination. The dominance of dark colors and correctly located light nuances, as in the photo below, are indicated by subtle nuances of shifting tones and accents.

An interesting solution is modular paintings. The captured images are divided into several segments, unusually executed, united by a common concept, and brought under a single concept. They look especially stylish in a high vertical space, and bring a sense of freedom in a small bedroom.


For soul and style

A modest-sized module or a pair of small frames with reproductions is hardly organically combined with the background, if a wide bed with a massive back structure is majestically located half the room. She needs the appropriate sizes of the work and baguette or a compiled collage of mini-reproductions.

It is desirable, but not necessary, that the canvases at the head rhyme with the gamut of the interior - they repeat the nuances of the prevailing colors. Binding accents are characteristic of the restrained style, and they accentuate attention with the diversity of fragments. Refer to the photo where the warm tones of orange and the sun diluted the dullness of gray and the sadness of brown, duplicating the nuances of shades on the bedspread.

The configuration and quick drapery of the window repeats the geometry of the room and paintings, and is perceived not as an independent architectural element, but as a great prostration in unison with the interior design. And now, “remove” bright prints from the walls for a second, and the room will be associated with the basement. Colors intertwined, and their organicity is obvious.

Personal standards

Science advocates the correct color distribution in the areas of the house, and according to psychology and the expected effect, the bedroom in no way accepts bright colors and abstract plots. If you also recall the Chinese wisdom of Feng Shui about the influence of color and form on the movement of energy, you can completely forget about personal preferences. What to do to those who live not in the minor and prefer round-the-clock high major sound, and looking at the gentle pastorals makes you sad? It's simple, because emotions and character are expressed through paraphernalia, and if you are not comme il faut with landscapes or abstraction, find your sound without regard to authority.

The first thing we see when we open our eyes is the opposite wall. A cast of glance responds to the stimulating activity of colors, and emitting impulses activate subconscious aspirations for activity and activity.

It is possible that for someone it is difficult to perceive in the quiet interior of the bedroom the exciting energy of bright red tones in the company with an aristocratic blue tone and a palette of summer colors. But the chic rainbow composition of the panel destroys stereotypes, and in our dynamic time it is probably not worth considering expression, a mixture of styles, colors, techniques to be a moveton.

Accent painting

If you are active, you will not be confused by the richness of modern graphics, African motifs or nude posters. The non-figurative art of abstraction entails a non-banal technique of execution. Printing technologies on the canvas will decorate the bedroom of young people, and the image will become the highlight of the bedroom.

Each of the paintings has a unique style, so choosing an accompanying interior sample is not difficult. The tandem of color and geometric strokes, painted in oil, is becoming more and more popular not only among young people who perceive this trend as a motley extravagant composition, but is also appreciated for its authorial style by those who come closer to art. Not only solo images are welcomed in the design, but the beauty of the polyptychs is also appreciated. It is permissible for any canvas at the head to hang in the singular or to be a compositional part of the whole. In all cases, abstraction will attract all eyes.

Hand-made fabric paintings are a great alternative to the purchased versions, and an original technique in the decor. One way is to make a composition of flaps according to color matching and texture combination. You can tighten on hard cardboard and individual pieces of whole paintings, and secure in the frame. With this technique, harmony will be achieved with the accompanying color of the walls. It is better to hang pointwise - so fabric pictures look more interesting.

If you are impressed by the handmade aesthetics, take a look at the paintings made on the canvas of wood. Especially masterpieces are appropriate for interiors in the spirit of Provence or country. Exclusive author's works look nontrivial due to the noble texture, the uniqueness of the plot and the method of execution.

Frames for cloths

In a beautiful frame, the picture is perceived differently. A masterpiece, painted in oil, also presupposes a worthy frame, like a skillfully made baguette with baroque ornaments.

Diptychs, polyptychs and other segmented compositions, as well as mini-formats are hung in the same frames. Parts of the triptych, enclosed in different frames, can be combined under a common baguette.

We draw the Venetian sketches, landscapes and sparkling water in shiny metal frames.

Dutch landscapes and rural still lifes take root in a frame with stucco molding and "shabby antiquity". Wooden opaque baguettes it is desirable to artificially age.

What do you want to hang over the bed? Probably, those canvases, bought not by chance and according to fashion, but inspired by desire in unison with the soul. Use for decoration all that is close to you. Make photocopies of notes, print a photo, place prints, large format printing products or hang a picture on the whole width of the wall in a luxurious baguette.

Watch the video: 6 Easy Ways to Do a Living Room Remodel on a Budget (October 2024).

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