The process of making a chest of drawers to do it yourself

Each owner of residential real estate wants to equip the premises beautifully and originally, therefore he acquires furniture in accordance with the existing interior style. It is often difficult to find ready-made designs on the market that meet all the requirements and requirements, which is why an independent creation of suitable furniture becomes an excellent solution for each person. The do-it-yourself chest of drawers is considered optimal, which will have the right dimensions, consist of the required number of compartments and drawers, and also its appearance will ideally match the room where it is planned to be installed.

Design and drawing

The creation of any interior item requires preliminary drawing up of a diagram and a drawing, using which it is possible to obtain a really high-quality and optimal design, in which all the details will be smooth and correctly connected. Before direct calculations, the main parameters of the future design are determined:

  • production material - most often used for this chipboard, MDF or natural wood. The latter option is considered the most optimal, as wooden structures are environmentally friendly, reliable and durable, and also look great in any style of interior. If there are no significant funds for this process, then a chest of drawers from chipboard is created;
  • dimensions of the future design - usually when determining this parameter, the place where the chest of drawers is planned to be installed is taken into account. Depending on its location and features, the optimal dimensions of the furniture are selected;
  • the number of drawers and compartments - it is decided whether the drawers will be drawers or will be represented by ordinary compartments in the chest of drawers. The number of doors and the method of opening them are additionally determined, since they can be retractable or swing, and you can also use new unusual hinges that allow you to open the doors in different unusual positions;
  • the presence of a backlight - if there is a backlight, then the chest of drawers is considered the most simple to use, since it will be well possible to consider the contents of all the compartments of this design.

The optimal sizes of a chest of drawers are in widths from 80 to 130 cm and a height of 85 cm, since it is really comfortable to use, and it is also considered roomy and convenient.

After determining all the necessary parameters, the creation of the scheme begins. If there are no skills in the independent implementation of this process, it is recommended to use special free computer programs. If you look carefully at their interface, then there will be no difficulties in the design.

By all means, a chest of drawers is made with your own hands, and it will be necessary for them to use it in the future when forming the structure, and this will avoid serious distortions or other problems. It is best to make several drawings, and one of them will be in the context, which will greatly simplify the process of creating a chest of drawers.

If you plan to make dressers with your own hands, drawings are made taking into account some rules:

  • if a wooden chest of drawers will be created, then the thickness of the boards or plates used should not be less than 1.6 cm;
  • between the extreme elements of the drawers and the rear wall of the product, a distance of at least 1 cm is surely left;
  • when creating inset facades, a gap of at least 3 mm thick is added.

Photos of various drawings can be viewed below, and it is also allowed to use ready-made schemes if a person who plans to deal with this process does not have any skills and experience in creating optimal drawings.

Preparation of materials, tools and fittings

Based on the drawing, a calculation is made to determine how many basic materials need to be purchased so that the planned procedure is carried out without interruptions and stops. Additionally, the details are taken into account:

  • 2 covers and 2 sidewalls;
  • 1 bottom;
  • 2 slats;
  • the right number of drawers, which are desirable to make pull-out;
  • Fiberboard for the back wall;
  • handles for boxes;
  • doors;
  • hinges for fixing the doors.

Based on this detailing, the right amount of materials is purchased. At the same time, each person independently determines how many boxes will be created, as well as what dimensions they will have. Necessarily prepare additional standard tools, which include a screwdriver and drill with different nozzles, a hacksaw for wood, confirmations or furniture corners, a special edge for parts that increase their strength, and self-tapping screws, and you may also need some other standard tools that allow you to make high-quality yourself and reliable chest of drawers.

InstrumentsChipboardMaterials and fittings

Parts preparation

How to make a chest of drawers with your own hands? Initially, it is necessary to prepare all the details that are needed to obtain the optimal design. The whole process is divided into stages:

  • do-it-yourself do-it-yourself drawings of the chest of drawers are transferred to the paper;
  • the resulting patterns are attached to the wood, and then encircled with a pencil or other suitable tool;
  • optimal details are cut out of wood, and as much attention as possible is paid to the quality of cutting, since the evenness and attractiveness of the interior item itself depends on this;
  • the edges of the parts obtained are prepared, for which it is desirable to use a plastic tape, which will ensure their strength and attractiveness, as well as smooth out the slightest irregularities if they were allowed during the cutting of parts.

Thus, the preparation of parts for the chest with your own hands is a simple and affordable job. In the process of creating parts, it is important to carefully approach measurements and constantly check drawings, as even the slightest distortions and imperfections can cause a curved or unstable interior item.

Parts are cut with a circular saw.


Once all the parts are completely ready, you can proceed to their high-quality assembly. This process is divided into stages:

  • on the details the places where there will be fasteners are noted, and during this work, it is imperative to focus on the drawings and diagram, and dowels or screws are considered the best choice for fastening;
  • a dresser tabletop is attached to the side walls, and standard furniture corners are usually used for this, as well as communication bars fixed by self-tapping screws;
  • in the same way, the bottom of the future chest is fixed;
  • legs or wheels are attached to the bottom, and this depends on whether it is planned to get a mobile structure or stationary;
  • the back wall is attached, which is usually represented by a light fiberboard, and it must certainly completely cover the ends of the sidewalls, countertops and the bottom, and small cloves are easily suitable for fastening;
  • drawers are assembled, the amount of which was determined earlier, and all details are fixed with screws or wooden dowels;
  • for drawers guides are attached in the necessary sections of the chest of drawers.

After fixing the back wall, it is necessary to measure its diagonal to make sure that the structure obtained is even, and if unevenness or curvature is detected, they must be fixed promptly, otherwise, after a short period of time using the chest of drawers, you can observe its deformation.

Thus, if you correctly follow the correct sequence of actions, you can quickly and with minimal cost of money and effort to get a quality interior item. Do-it-yourself chest of drawers video can be viewed below to take into account all the nuances and features of this process.

Installing the guide boxes

Assembling sections using nails and wood glue

Ready sectionsDrawers must be without top and front wallGuides are mounted on the sides

On the edges you need to make groovesPreparing color elementsFastening elements


Making a chest of drawers with your own hands does not do without decoration. If high-quality natural wood was used for work, then there is completely no need for the use of finishing materials, since the wooden structure itself will look attractive.

To decorate such structures, different decorating methods can be used:

  • varnish coating that protects the surface of a wooden structure from various influences;
  • creating a coating of any paint, so such a chest of drawers may have different colors;
  • the use of special films, and it’s really easy to use them, and at the same time it’s possible to get an interior item that perfectly fits into any room made in a certain style or color scheme.

Thus, making a chest of drawers with your own hands is a fairly simple job. To do this, use a drawing in which there is a drawing or diagram of a future design. In addition, the correct stages of work are taken into account, so that in the end there are no shortcomings or problems in the finished design. Due to the independent process, it is possible to obtain an original and unique chest of drawers at a low cost.

All components are primed and coated with black paint.All elements are made holes for mounting washersAll elements must be painted and dried.Dressing with colored elementsReady chest


Watch the video: DIY 6 Drawer Tall Dresser. How to Build (October 2024).

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