Want to plant a curly rose? Read the article on plant varieties, flowering, propagation, care and disease

Roses! These flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. If you want to admire them not only on holidays, but all summer, you can plant them in your garden.

In the article, we will visually examine in the photo how a curly rose looks, and also learn how to properly care. In addition, we will learn how to propagate and root this flower. And also in what ways to protect it from pests and diseases.

Detailed description

From a huge number of varieties of roses, curly can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Multi-flowered bushes - expressed by blooming up to 20 buds at a time. They have a faint odor, bud size up to 3 cm. Studded shoots are long and flexible, they can be arched or creeping. They have small leaves, petals are double, semi-double or simple. The buds are placed along the entire length of the stem and bloom for about 4 weeks in the first half of summer.
  2. Large-flowered bushes - expressed in alternate blooming of flowers. The size of the bud is up to 11 cm, have a pronounced aroma. The approximate stem length is 400 cm. Have abundant flowering 2 times per season. This species of roses is quite frost-resistant and rarely gets powdery mildew.

History of occurrence

There is no exact information where the first rose was discovered. Some scholars claim that it first appeared in China, and then introduced into Europe. Others believe that these flowers come from the Middle East. Even in ancient times, roses aroused admiration and self-respect. These flowers are very popular, and now a huge number of their varieties and varieties are bred. One of the most famous and used in landscape design are curly roses.

What is the difference between climbing species from those that curl?

Consider the difference between a climbing rose from the one called curly. According to the stem length, roses of this species can be divided into 2 groups:

  • Curly. Their length is about 5-15 m. Thin stems are easy to bend and do not break. The needles are small and almost prickly.
  • Wicker. Their length is about 3 - 3m. This species has powerful roots and thick stems, it is impossible to give them shape, otherwise they will break. The spikes are strong and sharp, you can easily get hurt.

Varieties of view and photo

Next, you can familiarize yourself with the varieties of curly roses and see them in the photo.

Chaplin Pinks (Pink Chaplin)

Curly rose has a faint aroma, rich pink color. They reach a height of up to 500 cm, the size of the bud is from 7 to 8 cm, the semi-double petals. Resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and black spotting.

Blooming all summer

Super Excelsa

Red roses with a diameter of up to 4 cm. They love shade, are unpretentious, tolerate different temperatures well and are resistant to diseases and insects.

Super dorothy

The winter-hardy variety blooming all summer blooms very beautifully. Raspberry-colored roses appear in late spring, but can stand until late autumn.


Different varieties of climbing roses bloom in different ways, but mostly this time falls at the beginning of summer. But some species bloom until late autumn. The main requirements for caring for roses are weeding, watering and top dressing.

The main reason for the lack of flowering may be the wrong choice of seedling, so it is better to buy them from a trusted seller. The rose does not bloom in hard, heavy soil. Before planting, you need to dig the earth a meter deep and saturate it with useful substances: humus or manure. Professional fan trimming should also be done.

Important! The plant needs to be fertilized with potassium and phosphorus, and in winter wrap with a thick film.

Step-by-step instructions for growing and caring

  • Choosing a landing place.

    It is best to choose a sunny ventilated place. You also need to consider that in winter it will be necessary to lay and cover the plant, for this you need to prepare a place.

  • What should be the soil.

    For climbing roses, a loose and fertile earth, saturated with useful substances, is required.

  • Landing.

    Planting pit should be about 50 * 50 in size, and the distance between plants - 2.5 meters. Then the pit is covered with earth and compacted. Next is watering and hilling, at least 20 cm.

  • Temperature.

    The most optimal temperature for the plant is 20-25 degrees. The temperature varies depending on the variety of roses.

  • Watering.

    Watering the plant is required every 10-12 days, with a volume of about 1-2 buckets per plant. During the growing season, the plant requires a large amount of water. In its absence, growth and flowering slows down.

  • Top dressing.

    Feeding should be every 10-20 days. If manure was used during planting, then the next time you need to fertilize only the next year.

  • Pruning.

    During pruning in spring or summer, you need to remove as many old stems as you have grown at the base of the plant. However, varieties that bloom all season require pruning only after 3 years.

  • How to tie a plant.

    With horizontal tying, the shoots will grow in different directions, buds will open at their ends. If vertically - the lateral shoots cease to grow after a while and the buds appear only at the end of the main shoot. Also, roses can be laid out in a fan, as well as spiral around a tree or pillar.

  • Transfer.

    The best time to transplant is autumn.

    1. For transplantation, you need to retreat from the plant 50-60 cm.
    2. Dig out very carefully, as deep as possible.
    3. After extraction, immediately transfer to a new location.
    4. Then pack and pour plenty of water.
  • Preparing for the winter.

    Preparation for winter begins at the end of summer. How is the preparation for winter going and do I need to prune the rose?

    1. It is necessary to reduce the amount of watering to a complete stop, stop loosening the earth and change the composition of fertilizing.
    2. The next step will be pruning for the winter and removal from the supports in early autumn.
    3. Further action is shelter. It is better to do this at a temperature of -5 to -7 degrees, so that the plant prepares for winter and enters a dormant state.

Step-by-step instruction: how to propagate?

One of the most common methods for propagating climbing roses is cuttings. There are several methods of rooting a plant: in soil, water, in a bag and potatoes.

  • Preparing the cuttings.

    Important! You should not choose a young shoot as a stalk, as rooting will take much longer. For best results, you must use the shoot after 10 days of flowering.

    The best choice would be an escape with 3 buds, ready for growth. Width is about 7 mm, length is about 20 cm. The landing side must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees, the upper side - under the straight line.

  • Rooting in the soil.

    1. After preparing the cuttings, you can immediately plant it in the ground. Coarse sand should be used to avoid decay.
    2. After planting, the cuttings need to be abundantly watered.
    3. Cover with a glass jar.
    4. Throw in a light cloth. Since in direct sunlight, shoots can get burned.

    The best temperature is 23 to 25 degrees above zero. Periodically, you need to raise the can for ventilation, and after a while completely remove it.

  • Rooting in water.

    To grow a healthy flower, plant the cuttings in boiled water, changing it every two days. It is better to keep the future rose on the windowsill, but in the shade so that the sun does not fall on the plant. The roots should appear in about a month.

  • Rooting in the bag.

    1. For this method, you need to plant the stalk in the soil and pour it with warm boiled water.
    2. Next, wrap the pot in a plastic bag and put it near the window.

    Thus, a kind of greenhouse is obtained. The plant grows with roots in about 30 days, after which it can be planted in a permanent habitat.

  • Rooting in a potato.

    It is considered the easiest way to propagate roses, in which the flowers take root most likely.

    1. For this method, you should prepare potatoes - remove all the "eyes" so that the vegetable does not germinate.
    2. Make a hole about 2-3 cm.
    3. The shank in turn should be kept in solution with a rooting stimulant.
    4. Insert the shoot with the sharp end into the potatoes and plant in the soil about 2/3 of the depth of the cuttings.
    5. Then you need to organize a greenhouse using a plastic bottle, periodically ventilating the plant.

    The roots should appear in about a month.

Diseases and Pests

Important! When using various remedies for diseases and pests, do not spray roses during flowering!

There are several types of diseases and pests:

  • Black spotting.

    It is expressed by round spots on the leaves of a dark brown or black color. If a problem is found, the fallen leaves should be burned immediately. Feed plants with fertilizers and water only under the root.

  • Powdery Mildew

    It appears white, like flour, on the fly: at first with small spots, then it affects the whole plant. To treat the plant, you need to cut off all the affected areas and burn them along with the fallen leaves. In order to make a solution, you will need 200 g of copper sulfate, 300 g of iron sulfate per 10 liters. water. Spray the resulting mixture on still sleeping buds - in the spring.

  • Gray rot.

    This is the decay of young shoots, buds, leaves and stems. During wet weather, the diseased parts of the flower form gray spores. At the initial stage of infection, you can spray with a solution of water, Bordeaux liquid and copper chloride.

  • Bacterial cancer.

    Unfriendly growths form on the stems and roots. When they ripen, they harden, and after a while they rot. In order to protect them from the disease, you should cut off the affected flowers and destroy.

  • Rust.

    It manifests itself as a thickening of the base of the young shoot and the subsequent occurrence of cracks. Of these, spores are yellow. The treatment for this disease will be disinfection of cracks with copper sulfate, as well as a cut of infected areas of the plant.

  • Thrips.

    These are insects of pale yellow or brown color, eating juice and tissues of young leaves. To destroy pests, you will need a solution of water, Fufanon, karbofos, Intavir and spark tablets. But they can be sprayed only before and after flowering.

  • Rose sawfly.

    In spring, a black insect lays eggs under the skin of an escape. Larvae live inside the stem, eating them. The cure for them is the same remedy as for thrips.

  • Spider mite.

    These insects live on the underside of leaves. They feed on the juice of the flower and weave a web, which makes the plant silver. To drive out pests, you can use infusions of tobacco, wormwood or yarrow.

  • Rosanna cicada.

    Small green pests feed on leaf juice, due to which the plant acquires a marble color. For treatment, use the same mixture as for thrips.

  • Aphid green rose.

    These insects breed at an incredible rate. They feed on the juice of leaves, petals and young shoots, which leads to the destruction of the plant. To get rid of pests, you can use the same solution as from thrips, or make a product using laundry soap and water.

  • Rose leaflet.

    Light green larvae feed on the leaves themselves. If the damage is not severe, you can simply remove the leaves populated by pests. However, with a strong one, it is worth using the same remedy as from thrips, first of all, processing the leaves themselves.

Curly rose is one of the most beautiful and grateful varieties of this species. With proper care and care, she will prove herself in the best way and will be pleasing to the eye every season.

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