Popular varieties of regular and undersized koleria, as well as rules for caring for them

Koleria belongs to the Generievs, in the past it was called teidea.

The homeland of the plant is located in the highlands of southern and central parts of America.

Swiss Michel Kohler, a natural scientist, gave her the same name in the nineteenth century.

Since then, the bright and spectacular tropicana confidently entered the houses and gardens as an ornamental plant.


The spine of a color is similar to a bulb with scales, and the flowers resemble bells,
whose petals are streaked with blotches and strokes. The foliage on the surface is densely covered with fluff. The color of the bells, the size of the plant, the coloring of the edge, and so on - all these are the differences in the types of colors that are classified and indicated by specific names.

There are almost fifty plant varieties, or even a little more than that, and coloria can bloom in a favorable climate almost year-round. Young plants bloom with one bud, and adults give from two to five flowers.

Each flower blooms with a small bell-tube that adds aesthetics and unusualness to a bright and distinctive plant. About ten species variations are grown from the whole variety of collieries at home. These are mainly hybrid forms, more generous in flowering and a variety of colors. The color scheme is represented by red, orange, coral and burgundy tones and their various shades, combinations.

Tubular or large-flowered

This species is found in the Colombian tropics and on the Costa Rican expanses. Grows up it is more than half a meter in height, blossoming with fiery, red and orange flowers, effectively complemented by a long oval-shaped foliage, which on the surface is densely dark green in color and reddish from the inside. The flowers are medium sized, 2-2.5.


Colombian forests are the habitat of this species. And its foliage and shoots are covered with a thick edge in the form of many white finest villi. The leaves themselves, with a small growth of the bush, are quite large, lanceolate, reach a couple of tens of centimeters in length, and up to 12 cm in width. Petioles on which leaves are attached to the stem are short.

Kohleria digitaliflora blooms with five flowers that are located on axillary inflorescences.. The corolla's whisker is white, with a pinkish transition at the top, about three centimeters long. The flowers are large, white tone prevails. From the inside, the pharynx is colored green and shaded in purple, in the form of smear points. The most active flowering occurs at the end of summer and the first third of autumn. As an ampelous species of digitalis flower, the colony is not quoted, since strong erect shoots complicate this use of the plant.

Lindeniana or undersized

Habitat - mountain landscapes of Ecuador. The shoots are dressed in a whitish fringe, lanceolate foliage stretches up to seven centimeters in length, and in width up to a couple of centimeters. Dark dense green leaves are painted on the surface with light greenish and silver-white streaks of veins, and from the inside are colored with a light pink color. The height of the bush will be no more than a third of a meter.

Peduncles reach six centimeters and open with single or several sinuses in which buds appear. The flowers are small, the length of the bells is about a centimeter. The tube is decorated with a white edge, and inside is yellow.

The pharynx is white in tone with brown spots, and there are purple touches on the bent petals. The peak of flowering occurs in the first half of autumn and until mid-inclusive. A distinctive feature is a very pleasant and distinct aroma.,

Amabilis, she's nice

Columbia's mountains are the natural habitat of the undersized collieries. It grows mainly at heights of 800 meters relative to sea level. Green and reddish shoots, dressed in a white fringe, stretch up to twenty centimeters under ordinary conditions, and in particularly favorable conditions they can grow up to sixty centimeters.

Petioles 2.5 cm, on them are attached ovoid leaves, laid opposite, almost seven to ten centimeters in length and three in width. They are painted on the surface in dense dark green or silver-green color with brown-red strokes, inside the sheet is lighter than the surface tone.

Sinus type flowers outside are covered with a delicate fluff, the tube in the corolla is pinkish. The pharynx is white, on the limbs there are frequent spots of purple, cherry-carmine or raspberry specks. Pleasant blooms almost the whole year.

Hirsuta or hairy

The natural habitat is Central America. This is a lush growing bush, with ovoid, slightly pointed leaves, covered with a reddish tone of the edge of the inner side and along the border.

Foliage with a bronze tint, and the flowers are fiery-carmine on the outside and yellow-sunny with red spots on the inside. Petals are outlined with a yellow stripe at the edges. The original coloring makes this type of color scheme especially popular for decoration.

Eriantha or Fluffy

Grows in Mexico. The bush grows about 45 centimeters, its dark green or emerald foliage is dressed in a thick velvety fluff slightly reddish on the rim. Coloring blooms with large bells, painted in red and orange tones, dotted with frequent white, pinkish or sunny yellow specks and strokes.

Bogotensis or Bogotskaya

The stony soils of the forests of North America are the habitat of the Bogotsk collier. Silvery-green or brownish tinted leaves, up to 7.5 centimeters long and up to 3.5 cm wide, resemble hearts in shape, and have a serrated border along the edge. Interestingly, pubescence runs along the veins. The surface of the sheet is much darker than the inside. The height of the bush reaches sixty centimeters. Shoots erect, without branching.

In July it blooms with red-yellow-sunny buds with specks of burgundy tone and blooms until mid-autumn. Peduncles are quite long, in the edge, the corolla is also shrouded in velvet villi. In the middle of summer, the Bogotská koleria gives flowers of the axillary type, 2.5 cm in size, which grow individually or in pairs.

The tube, orange-red at the base, with a slight reddish tinting in length, is covered with thick fluff-fluffs on the outside. Inside, it is smooth and yellow, with scarlet strokes and specks. The flowering period ends in early autumn.

The main difference is the small foliage, in relation to the height of the bush.

Description and photo of varieties

Breeding varieties of colors are represented by a wide variety. They bred through interspecific crosses and unpretentious to home maintenance. Fundamentally, the cultivation of different varieties of tropical beauties-coleries at home does not differ, varieties of colera do not require a special approach.


The Flashdance colera was bred in 2001 by a breeder from Sweden - Susanne Hvegholm.

Creamy pink petals with a yellow tint are dotted with specks of smears of raspberry-fuchsian color. A bright raspberry edging runs along the edge of the flower. The foliage is moderate green.


The variety was bred in 1982 by breeder P.Worley. It was created by crossing two Amabilis coleries of the varieties Bogotensis and Eriantha /

On a straight strong stalk with dark-dense green leaves, leaving in a bronze tone, large white bells bloom at the base and dark red bells along the length of the tube. On the limb, the petals are white in a thick spray of pink-red spots. Dark pink strokes complement the color palette. Very bright flowering is emphasized by the fact that the spots merge into strips of strokes, combining spontaneity and geometricity in color.

The foliage gently slopes down, its edges with a serrated canticle. The bush itself is small, but blooms very plentifully.

Karl Lindberg

Coleria Karl Lindbergh represents one of the varieties with the darkest color. Thickly dark lavender tubes, like velvet, are tinted with white necks and white-lighted on the limb petals dotted with burgundy-raspberry spray, thickening to the base to a continuous horizontal line encircling the tube.

Queen victoria

Koleria Koroleva Victoria is a very delicate floral arrangement with large slightly pink flowers. A pink neckline is emphasized by a white neck, whitened petals and thick beetroot dots with pink prints. Leaves are tilted down, a dark green tone.

Red ryder

Large dark red tube-bells with a white neck and petals. Thick rays and dots of dark cherry and dark red colors look enchanting. The leaves slope strongly, the color of dense dark green.


Fiery orange and red bells with a delicate yellow-white throat and petals whitened on the limbs are often dotted with saturated pink-fuchsia splashes of various sizes and framed by dark green foliage. The plant is compact and bright.

SRG's Persian Carpet

Created in 2013 by breeder S.Saliba. Persian Carpet means Persian carpet. Koleriya is as rich in color and velvet as oriental motifs.

Large velvety flowers of a simple form of red-raspberry tone with a pale yellow neck. The yellow-sunny limbs of the petals are decorated with coarse peas of cherry color and tinted with a raspberry cut from a thick dark pink spray. The spots in the yellow halo seem to glow, especially shining in the bright rays of the sun.

The jagged foliage of a dark green tone with a reddish border complements the spectacular composition. It blooms abundantly, and the bush itself is compact, developing in the form of a fluffy hat.


Large yellow flowers, with red specks and strokes, diverging in the form of rays from the neck. Moderately green foliage with cloves. The plant is small, collected, the color gives a very plentiful.

Basic care rules

Lighting and location

The plant is photophilous, but direct sunlight in the summer heat can harm. It will be most optimal to put a pot with a plant near the east or west window in the summer, and in the winter around the south.

  • If there is no possibility in the summer to rearrange the pot from the south side, then shading is required.
  • If it is not possible in the winter months to put a color on the south window, then you need to create an additional light source using a light bulb or fluorescent lights.
  • Due to the lack of light, the color scheme will most likely not give color, and with an excess of scorching rays it will dry and turn yellow.


Coleria is by no means a fan of heat. In spring and summer, the temperature is preferable + 20-25 ° C, and in winter, five to six degrees lower, survives at 12, but this is already critical for her well-being. The koleriya can withstand heat, but only for a short time, and at temperatures below that set, it can easily die.

The worst thing for this plant is drafts and temperature differences. For this reason, it is unacceptable to leave a color scheme at the window in the winter during ventilation. In warm seasons, she likes to be in the fresh air, so you can safely send her to the balcony or put in the garden.

Important! At a temperature of more than + 25 ° C, the buds awaken and so active growth sets in that the roots cannot cope with the task of fully feeding the shoots. As a result, the color scheme becomes lanky and awkward, interrupts flowering. A temperature of + 20 ° C is more acceptable during this period.


He loves a humid atmosphere, more than 60%, but survives in a dry climate. However, do not aggravate the situation by placing a pot of plants near the heating system.

It is advisable to organize additional sources of moisture around the color scheme by placing water around the bowl and putting pebbles or expanded clay in a deep tray, regularly moistening them with water. Ideally located next to the humidifier-evaporator.

You can also spray the space around the flower, but not the flower itself. The fact is that pubescence of the leaves delays water droplets, and therefore, when dried, forms white spots that spoil the appearance. For the same reason, soft water and the smallest sprayer are used. Additional hydration is especially important in the summer, and in cases when the apartment has a very dry climate, due to the peculiarities of heating, then in winter.


Humidification is required regular and plentiful, but not excessive. The signal for watering is the drying of the top layer of the earth. The complete drying of the soil mixture in the pot is unacceptable, as well as the stagnation of water in the pot, these reasons can provoke the death of the color. Mandatory drainage to drain excess water. Watering through a deep pan is ideal - from below.

In winter, the soil moistening procedure is halved. On average, they are watered every four days in summer and spring, and every 7-12 days in autumn, and every three to four weeks in the winter season.


The plant does not like plentiful feeding. Mineral solutions feed colderia from mid-spring to early fall, once every two weeks. Use universal mineral dressings for home flowering plants, only the solution is made two times weaker than recommended in the instructions. An increased percentage of phosphorus in the composition is welcome. During dormancy, fertilizers are not used.

Rest period

After the withering of all the colors, they begin to prepare a color scheme for winter rest. Remove dried flowers, old dry twigs, cut off too long shoots.

Important! You need to understand that she does not fall asleep for this period, but falls into a state of moderate deceleration of all life processes. Therefore, you should place the plant in a cooler place and less water.

There are some varieties that you can create additional lighting and they will continue to bloom, but most of the colors need a rest.


Soil of light type, slightly acidic, hygroscopic and loose will go. For example, the soil for the senpolia. The bottom of the pot is lined with a two-centimeter layer of expanded clay or broken red brick drainage.

Recipes of soil mixtures for koleriy:

  1. peat, sand, sheet land 1: 1: 4;
  2. sand, peat, soddy soil, leaf 1: 2: 1: 1;
  3. peat, humus, leafy soil, sand 1: 1: 2: 1.


It is better to engage in pruning in the spring, during the period of activation of the development of the bush. To increase the abundance of flowering and create the correct growth of shoots.

For ampel type

Gently pinch the tops, adjusting the tendency to stretch, provoking the process of branching shoots.

For ordinary

In the second year of life, proceed to regular pruning of the shoots in half or a third. This will set the vertical growth mode.


It is made in the spring in order to rejuvenate the bush to preserve decorative qualities, every two to three years. Optimal transshipment method. The pot is taken a little larger than the old one, a wide pot is preferred shallow depth.


The color is bred by dividing the root and cuttings from the tops of the shoots, or by seeds. The most effective and easy way in the case of koleriya is dividing the roots.

  • The division is undertaken in the process of transplantation. Rhizome type roots are divided, so that on each division there was one sleeping kidney, a piece of root is introduced horizontally, with the kidney up. Moisture and heat will awaken her and she will give a new life, forming an independent plant. The roots can not be buried more than two or three centimeters, watering is very careful. The appearance of leaflets from the deletion means that everything went well. The division is undertaken before the start of growth, in the first month of spring.
  • Seeds germinate in containers, on a substrate, usually in February. They are not sprinkled with earth, but covered with glass from above, at + 22-24 degrees, aerating and regularly moistening the soil. After 10-12 days, a set of leaves begins, and when a couple of them appear, the seedlings are planted in separate pots.The seed method is used infrequently, since the parameters of the mother plant are rarely accurately transmitted to the Sents. There are also difficulties with flowering - it will wait longer than in the case of cuttings.
  • For cuttings, fragments that have been plucked from the tops during trimming are usually used. Ideal for breeding cuttings with more than one nodule. They are rooted in a sandy peat substrate, without waterlogging. After a few weeks, the cuttings acquire their own root system and they are planted in cups, and from there, after they get stronger, in separate pots.

You can read more about care for the color here.

Popular breeders and series


Biologists regularly carry out refinements in varieties of colors. A major audit was carried out in 1992. And in 2005, two varieties of Capanea were transferred to the genus kolerii. The colony of Karl Linden was produced in the autonomous group of Gloxinella. At the end of the 20th century, an unusual appearance of an epiphytic growing colony with a woolly pubescence of the tube was discovered.

Interspecific hybrids number about ten, in natural conditions this is a common process. For example, Trinidad - obtained from the crossing of the tube-cement and scalp.

Through the efforts of selection masters, more than one hundred varieties were formed with individual plant sizes and extraordinary parameters of flowers, new colors and shape, foliage with variegated colors and altered shapes. The flowering abundance of breeding varieties is usually higher, habitus is more compact, and the flower grows slowly, which preserves its decorative properties longer.


  • Breeders from America - Patrick Worley, John Bogtan, Robinsons Ma and Ralph created a series of varieties Bristol's, and Brandon Erickson created a varietal series Bud's.
  • Canadian James Ian - Peridot's series.
  • Taiwanese Vivienne Liu, Rick Hang variety varieties, who called by their own names. Alfredo Lin created the Designer series.
  • Swedes Gunilla Svensson and Yvona Force gave birth to the eponymous sortoseries of kolerii.
  • Romanian breeder Serge Saliba, Czech Miloslav Malinowski also created the same varietal ranks.

By the combined actions of man and nature, the richness of forms and colors of this bright and colorful flowering plant is multiplied.

Reference! An interesting feature of the color scheme is to change the color tone of the flower as the bud opens, even more begins to play and shine with the help of skillful intervention by breeders.


A plant from Colombia will decorate any home, giving the atmosphere an exquisite creative note and spontaneity. A piece of the tropics in our latitudes is truly a wonderful phenomenon, only rarely does anyone recall from which distant lands the beauty-collier came to visit us.

Watch the video: Tomatoes, The Best Varieties? (October 2024).

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