Overview of clothes cabinets with shelves, selection rules

Storage of things is impossible to imagine without a closet. With its help, things, linen, shoes are streamlined. One of these “helpers” is a clothes cabinet with shelves, which will become a necessary part of furniture, and a stylish piece of furniture. Purpose This item was created to hide the clutter and provide each item with a permanent place. ...
  • Ulm - what you need to know about the city of Germany

    Ulm, Germany is a large university and research center and one of the most beautiful cities in the country. Due to the important historical sights and the abundance of higher educational institutions, it is never quiet here. We will walk along its noisy streets. General information The city of Ulm, located on the upper Danube, lies on the territory of two federal lands: Bavaria - in the north and Baden-Württemberg - in the south. ...
  • Design curtains in the children's room

    Textiles and color create the mood of the house. A set of curtains and bedspreads is entrusted with an aesthetic mission that can transform a child’s room overnight. Parents always have a desire to decorate window openings in a trivial way and add paints, visual impressions of the interior and at the same time support the conceptual idea through the paintings. ...
  • Entrance Hall 2018 - Design Features

    The entrance hall is a room that accompanies us every morning and meets us in the evening, this is the first space that everyone who comes to our home sees. A business card, the first performance, the same "hanger" with which it all begins. That is why any owner of an apartment or house wants to see his hallway comfortable, practical, functional, fashionable, made in the general style of the design of the entire dwelling. ...
  • Graz - a city of science and culture in Austria

    The city of Graz (Austria) is the second largest settlement in the country. Many tourists note that it is impossible not to fall in love with him - despite the seeming provincialism, there are a lot of young people here, because the city has many universities, so student life is in full swing day and night. Graz is also friendly and resembles the house of good friends, where guests are always welcome. ...
  • Capricorn, jellyfish head, ornatum and other types of astrophytum. Cactus Star Care Rules

    Astrophytum (Astrophytum) or a cactus star, came from a genus of spherical cacti of small size. Homeland - Mexico, southern US states. Plants have the shape of a regular star, if you look at them from above, so the flower got that name. Astrophytums are characterized by felted light specks on the stem, which absorb moisture. ...
  • The financial pyramid - what it is: definition and value + main types and signs of financial pyramids

    Hello dear readers of the financial magazine Rich Pro! Today we will tell you what a financial pyramid is, what signs financial pyramids have and how to recognize them at an early stage. So, from this article you will learn: What is a financial pyramid and how does it work; The history of the pyramids; What types of financial pyramids exist and how to recognize them at an early stage; What is the difference between network marketing and the financial pyramid; and a lot of other useful information. ...
  • Do-it-yourself coffee table. Coffee table: 5 unusual workshops

    In modern stores, there is undoubtedly a huge selection of a variety of designer coffee tables. Of course, the price tag for such products is sometimes surprising and even shocking. Therefore, we recommend trying to make an interesting, stylish option with your own hands. Thanks to this, you will not only save a decent amount, but also realize your creative potential. ...
  • Fashionable wardrobes in harmony with the interior space

    Nowadays, cabinets are made in different styles. They have also become practical and fashionable interior items designed to store things such as clothes, shoes, bags, bedding, books and even household appliances. Depending on the functionality of the room, its size and other features, you can easily choose a wardrobe that will complement the existing apartment design and will become an integral element of the living space. ...
  • In the space of a compact apartment

    Comfort at home is not related to his footage. The apartment is 32 square meters. m does not differ from spacious mansions in functionality, with the exception of a high density of objects per 1 sq. m. If you follow the rules of ergonomics when organizing space in a modest perimeter, as a result it is permissible to get comfortable housing. ...
  • Fashion trends: the alphabet in the interior

    Words, phrases ... They make life more beautiful, richer and more meaningful. With their help, we express our opinions and feelings. And also winged expressions, words and letters originally decorate the home interior. Decorating the premises with alphabetic symbols is a tradition that came to us from Europe and America, where the education system and values ​​are built on the significance of the human name. ...
  • What to do if white bugs are wound up in the soil of orchids?

    Orchid is a very beautiful flower, pleases the eye with its flowering. However, often the beauty of this flower is interfered with by small insects - white and other flowers bugs and midges that start in a pot. What kind of insects appear? What are the methods of dealing with them and how to avoid this problem in the future, we will consider in this article. ...
  • How to clean the foam gun

    A good owner in the house, even if he does not work at a construction site, has tools. The gun for polyurethane foam is one of them. With this device, cracks and cracks can be repaired, but keeping the tool in its proper form is not an easy task. After use, hardened mounting foam remains. ...
  • Metal kitchen - stylish and modern look

    If earlier metal kitchens were associated only with industrial design, today they have perfectly entered the home interior and at the same time look very stylish and modern. Metal is not only the strictness of lines and shapes with the complete absence of any decor (industrial look), but also a stylish addition, especially in combination with wood, and even in the old-fashioned interior - an unusually spectacular and aristocratic sight. ...
  • The choice of LED lighting in the kitchen for cabinets, installation rules

    Kitchen cabinets are used to store various cereals, food, spices, utensils and other additional things, therefore, often there are certain difficulties in the process of finding an item. You can improve the functionality and usability of all drawers with the help of high-quality lighting. ...
  • Hasselt is a provincial town in Belgium

    Hasselt (Belgium) - a small town with about 70 thousand people, it is the capital of the province of Limburg. Until the first third of the 19th century, the province occupied a much larger territory, covering part of modern Belgium and Holland. The capital of Limburg at that time was Mastricht. When Belgium gained independence, Limburg, accordingly, was divided into several parts. ...
  • Urticaria in adults and children - symptoms and treatment

    Urticaria is a combination of ailments that are characterized by the appearance of red blisters on the skin, the size of which reaches several centimeters. The disease is accompanied by itching, and when pressed, the skin lesions become pale. Let's dwell in more detail on how to treat urticaria in adults and children at home. ...