Features of the choice of material, shade and other qualities of the ceiling in the bathroom

The harmonious interior of any room is assembled from many components. The ceiling plays an important role in the overall ensemble.

Especially the design of the ceiling is important for rooms with an aggressive environment. Since the bathroom is characterized by high humidity and temperature extremes, the choice of coating for all surfaces should be approached with particular care.

Optimal materials for the manufacture of the ceiling

The constant danger of condensation accumulating on the ceiling should be a fundamental factor when choosing a material. It should be characterized by significant moisture resistance. Only in this case, the coating will last a long time without changing color and structure.

The list of methods for decorating the ceiling in the bathroom includes:

  • whitewash;
  • painting;
  • sticking vinyl waterproof wallpaper;
  • use of siding;
  • wood flooring;
  • installation of drywall;
  • stretch ceiling;
  • dropped ceilings.

The simplest and most common option for decorating the ceiling is whitewashing. An important feature of such a coating is its cheapness. At the same time, the whitewashed ceiling loses in wear-resistant qualities. Humidity can play a trick on the coating, which will require frequent correction of the applied layer.

Another negative manifestation of whitewashing will be too simple appearance and feeling of incompleteness, which gives such a design.

More suitable among inexpensive ways of decorating the ceiling will be painting. You should choose only acrylic paint, since it is it that is able to withstand high humidity, while maintaining an attractive appearance.

The painted ceiling will have an attractive appearance only if it is absolutely smooth. Therefore, before applying a layer of paint, it is necessary to carry out appropriate preparatory work.

An indisputable advantage will be a wide range of shades and their combinations. With the help of paint you can create the most sophisticated interior in the room, without limiting the flight of imagination.

Another waterproof material will be vinyl wallpaper. Subsequently, they can also be painted in any color, creating a harmonious atmosphere in the bathroom.

Negative changes in temperature can affect this coating. This factor can lead to bloating and deformation of the wallpaper.

For the ceiling in the bathroom siding is perfect. This versatile material is designed for both indoor and outdoor use. This is due to the excellent characteristics of wear resistance and resistance to external factors.

Unfortunately, the color gamut of such material is much poorer than, for example, paint. Therefore, before choosing such a material as a cladding for the ceiling, you should carefully consider the design.

Among the eco-friendly materials for the bathroom ceiling, you can choose natural wood. This is the most refined type of coating that will provide an aesthetic appearance of the bathroom. To achieve the greatest effect from the appearance of the tree, it is necessary to sustain in a certain style all the other elements of the decor.

An additional advantage of a wooden ceiling is the smell that exudes wood in a humid environment. At the same time, competently selected and processed wood is able to withstand aggressive manifestations of the environment that forms in the bathroom.

Plasterboard ceiling allows you to reliably hide all surface defects and wiring. Other benefits include moisture resistance, environmental friendliness and relative mounting prostate.

In order to impress visitors with the beauty and originality of the ceiling in the bathroom, you can choose more expensive methods of decoration. It can be stretch ceilings, which are becoming more popular every year.

Modern design and fashionable patterns on the surface are combined with excellent moisture resistance, which can be achieved using vinyl in the production. In addition, such a ceiling holds up to 100 liters of water in case of flooding from above. This property will allow time to remove the accumulated water and dry the ceiling, after which it will return to its original form.

In addition to color, stretch ceilings allow you to play with textures. This quality will greatly expand the possibilities of using design ideas. Such a ceiling can be matte or glossy depending on the style and wishes of the customer.

Another newfangled way to design a bathroom is the use of suspended ceilings. Such a coating is divided into tile and rack. The advantage of the tiled variety is the possibility of partial replacement of the damaged area, which will save.

The disadvantage is a limited range. At the same time, the use of such ceilings does not exclude additional decorative elements that will make the surface more original.

Mirror ceilings in the bathroom look original. They reflect light, expanding the space. Misting at a temperature drop and an increase in humidity can be considered a negative manifestation.

In addition to the above materials, you can use PVC, particleboard, natural stone cladding and more. In addition, glass, metal and even fabric can be used for decor. The main thing is that the selected coating combines all the properties that allow it to serve for a long time in conditions of high humidity, while maintaining its appearance.

The most suitable colors for the ceiling in the bathroom

A variety of material choices can significantly expand the color scheme that can be used to create the interior of the bathroom. Sometimes it is the color of the ceiling that can dramatically change the sensations that appear when you visit the bathroom.

At the same time, it is worth considering some laws that most designers rely on. If the ceiling is painted in a lighter color than the walls, this will create a feeling of spaciousness. At the same time, dark ceilings significantly limit the scope of their application. They can only be used in a large room with considerable height. An exception may be dark glossy stretch ceilings, which seem much higher than they actually are.

White ceilings are the classic and most common option. At the same time, it is completely unimportant whether they are satin or glossy. Such a coating reflects a lot of light and gives a feeling of spaciousness and sterility of the room.

For a change, colored ceramics can be used directly near the white ceiling. It reflects on a white surface, creating an unusual effect.

The contrast and energy in the bathroom can be created using a combination of red and black. At the same time, the ceiling in such an environment should balance the interior and soften the sharpness of the primary colors.

Pastel colors are perfect for this:

  • peach;
  • beige;
  • sand;
  • shades of blue;
  • shades of green.

The combination of green and yellow, as well as blue with white, will fill the room with freshness. The ceiling can be in tone with one of the leading colors, or simply white.

In addition, the use of patterns and drawings has become a popular way to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom. It can be like ornaments and geometric patterns, the same whole thematic paintings with meaning and photographs.

The most common are:

  • Marine theme;
  • starry sky;
  • cloudy sky;
  • transferring photos to the surface.

The main criterion for choosing a color or pattern for the bathroom ceiling should be the specific features of the room: its size, shape and base coating. In addition, attention should be paid to the personal preferences of the owner of the bathroom so that in the end a balanced and harmonious interior is obtained.

Lighting fixtures on the ceiling in the bathroom

The final chord in interior design should be lighting. The classic option is to use ceiling lights. It is very important to determine their location before the ceiling finishes. This will avoid alterations and get functional lighting.

Painting and whitewashing the ceiling limits the use of lamp models. It can be pendant or overhead lights in the center or several small appliances.

The ceilings, which assume the formation of a cavity, will allow the use of a full range of spotlights, halogen lamps and decorative elements. They will allow you to create a backlight around the perimeter or highlight the light geometric shapes from drywall. In this case, fantasy is limited only by the technical features of the models and the financial component.

An important factor when choosing a suitable lamp will be its water resistance. Then it will last for many years and will not become a source of danger to the inhabitants of housing.

The choice of the shade of the glow also completely depends on the wishes of the owner. A brighter white light is suitable for those who spend time in the bathroom applying makeup or other similar activities. Some people like to read in warm water.

Muted shades and dim light will allow you to relax and throw off the load of fatigue accumulated during the night. An ideal option would be the ability to vary the level of lighting. For this, special installations and switches are provided.

In general, the design of the ceiling in the bathroom will require a little effort. It is enough to clearly define the general mood and style of the interior. After that, the selection of material, shades and decorative elements will become a pleasant fun. And the result will please all the inhabitants of the apartment or house.

Watch the video: 100 Bedroom wallpaper ideas, styles, patterns and colors. Wallpaper design for wall Trends 2017 (October 2024).

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