Galvanized steel sheet - is it necessary to paint?

Very often, to cover the roofs of houses, cottages of the private sector, factory, industrial, office and other buildings, they use steel galvanized sheets, in common people called "galvanization". Why exactly this material attracts such attention when choosing a coating for roofs? What is this building material like? Let's figure it out.

Is it worth it to paint?

In the production of galvanized steel sheets, zinc is used, which is applied in a thin layer to the steel surface of the sheet. Thanks to this coating, it is less exposed to the negative effects of an aggressive environment. After all, moisture and oxygen, interacting together, destroy the metal with corrosion, turning it into powder, dust. Zinc reduces the manifestation of corrosion of steel sheet, thereby significantly increasing its service life. Therefore, durability and resistance to negative environmental influences for this material are the main, positive factors when choosing it. It is important to note that the material is easy to use, which also speaks in its favor.

But, talking about the pros, any building material, do not forget about the cons. So, the minus of galvanized steel sheet is zinc corrosion, although it manifests itself much less. The so-called "white rust" is formed on the surface of the sheet in the form of a powdery substance. In order to prevent this from happening, the sheet is best painted additionally. The paint will protect the sheet from aggressive environments and significantly extend the life of the product. Yes, and the painted sheet looks much more attractive and more beautiful than unpainted.

For painting steel galvanized sheets, a special paint is intended - under the name Cyrol. Acrylic paint, matte. Anti-corrosive, active additives are added to it, thanks to which the sheet does not rust. With this special roofing paint you can paint not only galvanized sheets, but also aluminum, metal sheets of any profile and any structures made from them.

Roofing paint has many positive qualities, namely:
  1. resistant to light;
  2. moisture resistant;
  3. withstands temperature extremes;
  4. has good adhesion to the surface.

Tips for painting galvanized sheet

Before painting, the surface does not have to be primed, but degreasing the surface will not hurt. It is enough to apply one layer to the surface, and it will be protected. For the best effect, experts recommend not to rush with painting, but let the material “age” 1-2 years, so to speak.
So if you have unpainted (aluminum, metal, galvanized roofs, gutters, fences and other products), then it is better to paint them, and the Cyro roofing paint will help keep all this in good condition for many years.

Watch the video: How to paint Galvanised steel (October 2024).

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