Overview of plastic cabinets, selection tips

Often, in the process of choosing a cabinet for different rooms or territories, buyers pay attention to designs made of plastic. A model such as a plastic cabinet is considered to be in demand, attractive, inexpensive and multifunctional. They can have different dimensions and parameters. You can purchase them for the street or at home, and they are also easy to care for.

Advantages and disadvantages

A plastic cabinet can be large or small. Certain models can even be hung on the wall, and they are usually used in the kitchen or balcony to store numerous small items.

The main advantages of choosing plastic furniture include:

  • the cabinets are multifunctional, therefore, they have numerous cells and compartments, each of which has its own purpose, and the number of storage systems depends on the purpose of the structure, its size and installation location;
  • plastic has excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation, therefore, this material is often used to form a cabinet designed for gardening equipment, since even with prolonged exposure to the sun the product does not lose its attractive appearance and bright colors;
  • on the surfaces of such models the development of mold, fungus or rust does not begin;
  • assembling and disassembling a cabinet made of plastic is a simple job, therefore, buyers often cope with it on their own, so there is no need to spend money on wages for employees;
  • the weight of such a cabinet is considered small, and especially if it is designed for a small number of things, as well as if the cells in it are small in size;
  • product care is considered incredibly simple, so they are practical and ideally suited for different operating conditions;
  • such cabinets are available in many models that differ in size, color, texture, filling and other parameters, therefore, for each individual room or territory, it is possible to choose the most optimal model that fits perfectly into the exterior or interior;
  • if molded furniture is selected, it is compact, so it can be hung on a wall, installed in a corner or choose another place for installation, which will be convenient and practical;
  • plastic rack designs before exposure to moisture, so they can be installed in the bathroom, kitchen or street;
  • if you provide competent care for the structures, then plastic cabinets will last quite a long time, and all the time of use they will retain their unsurpassed appearance;
  • plastic products have an acceptable cost, and it is much lower than the price of elements made of wood or metal;
  • fire safety is considered an important advantage of structures, since they do not burn, but emit substances that are dangerous to humans when they are heated strongly.

Plastic cabinets have not only advantages, but also disadvantages, these include:

  • if the cheapest plastic is chosen, then its quality will be low, therefore, products from it will be fragile, quickly fade in the sun and short-lived;
  • during exposure to high temperature, plastic furniture begins to melt, which leads to the release of hazardous substances into the air, therefore it is mortally dangerous for people to be in the room, therefore it is necessary to install the products in such a way that they are located at a considerable distance from heaters or stoves;
  • plastic products can not withstand a significant load, so it is not allowed to use them to store large or heavy items;
  • cells and different surfaces of such cabinets are quite easily scratched, and it is almost impossible to remove scratches using any restoration methods;
  • it is undesirable to leave inexpensive garden furniture for the whole day in the summer in the sun, as it can begin to melt and deform.

Thus, cabinets made of plastic have both pros and cons. They are usually chosen for the street or balcony, but are often installed even in the children's room or in the kitchen.


There are many types of plastic cabinets with their own purpose, parameters and features. Some are used in residential premises, while others are installed on the street. Structures can be formed using casting, and plastic panels are often used, from which prefabricated models of cabinets are obtained.

Before buying a specific cabinet, it is recommended to consider for what purpose the design will be used.

For toys

If small children live in the house, then they acquire many different toys. Over time, there are so many of them that special lockers are required for their storage. An excellent choice would be a plastic cabinet, the height of which can not exceed 1.2 meters.In this cabinet there are cells designed for different types of toys, notebooks and other accessories.

When buying a product where toys will be stored, the recommendations are taken into account:

  • plastic must be of high quality so as not to harm the kids;
  • construction angles must be rounded;
  • the product should fit well into the interior of the nursery, and the color chosen is bright and interesting, with any unusual patterns or textures.

With proper care, such a cabinet can last a long time, and it can be hung on the wall below, so that children do not move it around the room.

To the bathroom

Plastic constructions are often chosen for the bathroom, and they can be used to store things that are most often required in this room. The widespread use of plastic cabinets in the bathroom is due to the fact that they are highly resistant to moisture, and the corrosion process does not start on their surfaces and mold does not form.

Most often, small cabinets that can be hung on the wall are selected. Their facade can be deaf or equipped with a mirror.

For kitchen

Kitchen sets made of plastic are considered popular designs, and they can have different colors and sizes. They are resistant to moisture and easy to clean, which is especially true for a room that is constantly used for the cooking process.

Plastic headsets have an affordable price, and can also have different dimensions and parameters. They have special elements for washing or dishes, so they provide really easy placement of necessary items on shelves.


To give plastic furniture is chosen often enough. It can be presented in different versions, and plastic cabinets are often purchased.

During the selection of designs, features are taken into account:

  • a really high-quality plastic is purchased that can easily cope with the constant exposure to sunlight, from which it should not melt and deform;
  • it is best to buy a cast cabinet, but it is allowed to choose designs made from artificial rattan;
  • Outdoor cabinets may contain a different number of drawers and compartments, so the choice depends on the number of items that will be stored on the shelves.

The design should fit well into the exterior and be suitable for the structure located on the site.

Color spectrum

A distinctive feature of plastic furniture is that it can be presented in really different shades. The choice of colors depends on various factors:

  • coloring should be well combined with other shades available on the street or at home;
  • the style in which the room is made is taken into account;
  • if you choose a cupboard for the kitchen, then it is undesirable to focus on white, as different contaminants will be visible too well on the surfaces;
  • a cabinet for athletes is usually selected in red.

The color completely depends on the preferences of the owners and the color scheme of the room where it is planned to install the cabinet.

Care Rules

For a plastic cabinet to last long enough, he needs to provide competent care. It consists of simple actions:

  • it is not allowed to cut different products directly on a plastic surface, as this will cause scratches, which are almost impossible to eliminate;
  • You can use different detergents to clean the plastic, but there should not be abrasives or chlorine in the composition;
  • During cleaning, soft rags are used, so it is not allowed to use hard brushes;
  • for ordinary plastic cabinets, it is enough just to wipe the shelves periodically to remove dust with a dry rag from plush or microfiber.

Thus, plastic products are considered really easy to care for.On the market, you can buy special products designed for the care of plastic structures that provide an ideal process result.

How to choose

The competent choice of a plastic cabinet depends on various factors:

  • the quality of the plastic must be high so that you can safely use the structure in the living room;
  • colors and textures must comply with the style and interior;
  • if a children's locker is selected, then it should be low and safe, therefore it is desirable that there are no sharp corners in it;
  • the dimensions of the cabinet should be suitable for the purpose of its acquisition, so all items should easily fit on shelves.

Thus, plastic cabinets are considered an excellent choice, and these structures can be installed in an apartment or house, and can also be located on the street. Many models on the market allow you to choose the best model for each interior or exterior. The number of storage systems can be different, so designs are selected that are ideally suited to the wishes of future owners.



Watch the video: Blast Cabinets & How To Select Blasting Media (October 2024).

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