Mui Ne - who should go to this resort in Vietnam?

Mui Ne, Vetnam - a place that has only recently begun to attract Russian tourists. An ordinary fishing village overnight became a resort, which was visited by large travel agencies. In recent years, our fellow citizens began to appear on the seashore, and there are much more signboards in Russian than in English.

Russian ghetto

This is what foreigners sometimes call Muiene. They do not expect that in Vietnam there may be a piece of life from the Russian zeros. On the main street of the resort, songs of Pugacheva, Kirkorov, Baskov are heard all the time ... Borsch, dumplings with sour cream are sold. In general, you are unlikely to be sick here with nostalgia.

The Rodina Restaurant in Mui Ne

In 1995, an eclipse occurred, which was very convenient to observe from here. Lovers of astronomical phenomena who arrived in Mui Ne appreciated the beauty of beaches and nature, although they complained about the lack of infrastructure, which prompted the locals to think. In addition, Mui Ne (photo with kiters confirm this) is a very windy place. And the wind from the desert drove here the first kiters and windsurfers. With their arrival, from the beginning of the 2000s, the development of the resort with hotels and guesthouses began. Then it was still possible to find housing cheaply and live all winter long in hot Vietnam.

But a few years ago, Russian travel companies saw the potential in this village and began to sell tours in Mui Ne. The natives quickly adapted: they learned the Russian language and picked up prices for fruits and accommodation.

Where is that place? Central street Mui Ne

Mui Ne resort on the coast of the South China Sea is sometimes called differently - Phan Thiet. True, in fact, these are two different settlements, which are located several kilometers from each other. Mui Ne is a poor fishing village in Vietnam, where guesthouses are somewhat cheaper. The more densely populated Phan Thiet offers more decent (and expensive) housing and higher food prices.

How to get to Mui Ne from Ho Chi Minh City?

It is most convenient to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne by bus. There are 2 carriers - The Sinh Tourist ( and Futa Bus Lines (

The buses of the first company make 4 flights a day - at 7:00, 14:00, 20:00 and 20:15. The price of a ticket for morning and afternoon flights is 129 thousand dongs, for evening flights - 199 and 249 thousand, respectively. Travel time is 5-5.5 hours.

A ticket for 2 or more days can be purchased online. On the day of departure, tickets can be bought only in one of 2 offices (from 6:30 to 21:30) at the following addresses:

  • 246 - 248 De Tham St., District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • 24 - 26 Pho Duc Chinh St., District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

Futa Bus Lines buses depart much more often in Muein - 14 times a day. The first flight at 6:30 in the morning, the last - 23:30 in the evening. The range of motion ranges from 30 minutes. between morning flights up to 2 hours between evening flights.

Ticket price - 130,000 VND. Buses are equipped with TV and Wi-Fi, a bottle of water is included in the price. You can also pay for travel on the official website of the company or at the office at 272 De Tham, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

Location: 121 Tôn Đức Thắng, Phú Thủy, Tp. Phan Thiết, Bình Thuận, Vietnam.

How to get from Nha Trang to Mui Ne?

Sleeping bus

From Nha Trang, directly to Mui Ne, buses run by one of the above companies - The Sinh Tourist. Departure times are 7:15 and 20:00. The fare for the morning bus in seats is 169,000 VND, in the evening with the recliners 219.00 VND. The road will take 5-6 hours.

All details can be clarified at the Nha Trang office located at 130 Hung Vuong St.,
Nha Trang City, Vietnam.

Prices and timetables on the page are for September 2017.
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How else to get to Mui Ne?

There are still passing buses, but they are inconvenient, although somewhat cheaper. Separately, you will have to get to the Fantiet bus station, from where you will have to take a taxi to the resort area and still go from a quarter of an hour.

Every 15-20 minutes a bus runs between Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, which runs along the main road of the tourist area. You can explore the entire coast and get to some of Vietnam's sights.

There are regular taxis with air conditioning and a bargain price. Mototaxists will also take you quickly to your destination. They are easy to recognize everywhere: any locals who stand next to motorcycles. You will not confuse, because the Vietnamese will not be idle at the motobike, they have a lot of other worries.

And, as the last option of transport, - motorcycle and bicycle rental. Daily rent, for a bike pay 5-8 dollars, for a bike - a couple of dollars. By the way, on a regular bike you can easily drive to all the beaches and visit the main attractions: Chamov towers, fishing pier, Red Dunes and the same color stream. The road is good, without hills and ravines, only on the hike to the Cham towers there are low elevations.

Beaches and the sea in Mui Ne

The villages of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne gradually pass one into another. They are connected by a 15-kilometer strip of beaches, a fenced strip of hotels. There are luxury and budget options.

Note! In the fishing village of Mui Ne and the town of Fantiete there are no beaches suitable for swimming, so there are quite few visitors there.

Although Mui Ne is positioned as a place for a relaxing beach holiday with the whole family, swimming there is not very comfortable, especially if you take kids with you. The sea is muddy and turbulent. Sometimes, after strong waves, garbage floats into the sea: packages, bull-calves, sticks, leaves ... There are jellyfish. If you already decided on a swim, then it is better to come to Muine beach in the morning - by lunchtime the waves become even higher. Sunbathing on the shore can also be uncomfortable, as the sand, which constantly raises the wind, flies in the face and hits the skin.

Mui Ne Central Beach

However, if you love outdoor activities and water sports such as kite and windsurfing, then the coast of Mui Ne is perfect for you! Professionals will simply frolic freely, and for beginners there is also everything necessary. There is no end from instructors, they will come to the rescue to put you on the board. But watch out, Mui Ne beaches are an extreme place to learn. The width of the sand line is small, the sea meets stormy waves, almost immediately from the edge of the water the bottom becomes deep.

To the north of the village of Mui Ne there are wild beaches that can only be reached by motorcycle. In some places there are not even roads, and you need to move directly along the sand along the coastline. Tourists who do not engage in water sports are unlikely to appreciate the sea in Mui Ne because of the waves and wind. But tours and vacations are quite cheap, so for the sake of exoticism and economy, some are ready to suffer these inconveniences.

In Mui Ne, there are no malls, nightclubs, or saturated traffic. Holidays in Mui Ne, Vietnam, is a way to quickly sunbathe and swim in the sea. The town is suitable for families away from active club life.

Central beach

In total there are 3 beaches: Central, Ham Tien, Phuhai Beach. The first two are connected with one another and they are distinguished only to indicate the difference in infrastructure. The Central has more cafes, bars, massage parlors, there is an ATM, in general, there is something to see in Mui Ne.

Ham Thien Beach

Ham Thien is more deserted and groomed.

Fishing boats at Ham Thien

Puhai Beach is separate, it is fenced off from others by large stones. You can only get on it by driving along the highway. Only hotel guests sunbathe here, the locals do not come here.

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In general, Mui Ne is a place of Vietnam that is not rich in sights. People come here not to go on excursions. But there are a few places that are definitely worth a visit if you are bored with relaxing on the beach. Here they are.

Cham Towers

These buildings are very ancient, erected in the VIII century as part of a huge temple complex. They got their name, because in those days there was a kingdom of Cham. But more than three centuries ago, the temple fell, only 3 towers remained, to which tourists flock. About 20 years ago they were restored. Inside one of them stands the altar where Shiva was worshiped. By the way, local fishermen still come to pray for successful fishing.

The towers are five kilometers from Phan Thiet, if you go towards Mui Ne, almost at the start of the resort area. From the Central beach you can walk on your own. The turn to the sights from the road is marked by a pretty stone sign - “Nhomdenthap Cham”. You will have to pay only 5000 dong for entry.

Red dunes

In general, nothing special, just red sand, but non-spoiled travelers like it. Dunes are located east of the tourist area, near Mui Ne. They begin literally right across the road. This is a rather unusual attraction for Mui Ne (and Vietnam as a whole), because at the very sea you can imagine yourself standing in the center of a real African desert. You can get there by bus from Mui Ne, bike or motorcycle. You will not miss the dunes, they will be on the left side (the attraction is marked on the map).

Red creek

A shallow, muddy stream that flows through a canyon among red sand hills. In its deepest part you will be below the knee. It is not as hot as on the coast, the crowns of trees will hide you in the shade. In addition, the place is picturesque, the photos come out amazing. You can turn around and look at the factory where they produce fish sauce.

A city bus goes here, but you can ride a bike or even walk (if your hotel is located in the eastern part of Mui Ne). The creek comes from a small bridge that it sees from the main road. He’s alone there, it’s impossible to mix up.

White dunes

They differ from the reds only in color and in the distance that separates them from the city of Mui Ne. You will have to get to White long and purposefully, because transport does not go here, and you hardly want to ride a bike for 30 kilometers. The white dunes are longer, and you can rent a quad bike or a board here to ride from the hills. By the way, a trip to the white dunes can be combined with a trip to the red sands, this is along the way. It is best to come to the dunes at dawn or at sunset. At this time of day, the most successful frames are obtained.

Lotus lake

The lake is also a landmark not far from Mui Ne. It is located at the whitest dunes. Unfortunately, lotuses do not always bloom, and you can not guess with the time of arrival. You can’t swim in the lakes (there are several, but the largest three), since they are deep, there are many stems and leaves in the water - you can get confused and drown. In addition, the water is fresh. There is a chance to catch an infection. But if you get to the flowering season in Vietnam, Mui Ne, the photos will be magnificent!

Fishing harbor

Mui Ne village itself is an original place in Vietnam. On the approach to it from the resort area you can see a pretty marina. There, fishermen leave their boats to dry, the view of the pier is amazing.

Of course, the coast is a bit dirty, but visitors stop here to look around and take some colorful pictures.

There are no large supermarkets that you get used to in Thailand. You have to buy goods in small private shops with an extra charge.

Holidays in Mui Ne: general tips

  1. It is best to take trips here in November - March. In winter, the most wonderful weather in this part of Vietnam: the air temperature during the day is about 30 degrees, at night - 22 degrees. The water is warm, 25-26 degrees. In summer (May to October) the rainy season begins here. And a month can be up to twenty rainy days. True, freezing still does not work, the climate is tropical! Therefore, when it is better to relax in Mui Ne - it is a matter of taste.
  2. If you draw a line into question the movement in the district, then one of the most convenient modes of transport is still a motorcycle. Better rent it. There are different versions of bikes for every taste and color. If you took the bike, be sure to hide the helmet in a special compartment. In Vietnam, it is not uncommon for helmets to be stolen even in the courtyard of a hotel.
  3. If you have a choice, it’s better to go to another resort with your children: a long exhausting road and tangible waves can spoil the rest for both you and the child. Regarding food - if you take a ticket to a travel agency, choose the option without food or with breakfast alone. So it will be more profitable, because food in Vietnam is inexpensive and varied, there will be no problems.
  4. Although the little shops in Mui Ne are a dime a dozen, you should not count on pleasant shopping. For the most part, the assortment of shops is Chinese consumer goods and counterfeits for brands, the prices of which are very wringing. But you can buy silk, cotton products, silver jewelry with stones.
Ham Thien Market
  1. In neighboring Phan Thiet you will find decent markets by the standards of Vietnam, their names Lotte Mart and Coop Mart (marked on the map below). Pay close attention to expiration dates. For fresh gifts of nature (both the sea and the garden), go to the Ham Tien market in Mui Ne. After 9 in the morning there is nothing to do there, get ready early, preferably from six o'clock. In the evening, prices for fruits and vegetables in stores can be 2 times higher than market prices.
  2. There are a huge number of different types of fruits, most of them are not for sale with us, and even if they are, they are indecent. In general, lovers of a fruit diet in Vietnam are paradise! At the end of the holiday, many take baskets with fruit sets to their homeland. Such a souvenir will arrive to your home without any problems.
  3. Mui Ne, Vietnam is best suited for those who, on a budget, want to discover the world of Southeast Asia, see how modest Vietnamese fishermen live, or jump on the waves on the surf.

The beaches, sights, restaurants and retail outlets of Mui Ne are marked on the map in Russian.

Watch the video: Anantara Mui Ne Vietnam: review & impressions (October 2024).

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