Weather on Koh Samui - what season to come to rest

Koh Samui is located 40 km from the east coast of Thailand. Due to the subequatorial climate, eternal summer reigns here, and a good location in the calm waters of the Gulf of Thailand prevents the emergence of tsunamis and typhoons. The beach season in Samui lasts almost all year round. In summer, winter and in the off-season, thousands of people from all over the world come here to relax in order to enjoy the warm transparent sea, white sand of spacious beaches and beautiful views of lush tropical nature. Consider which season in Samui is considered the best, and in what months, rest here is just as good and cheaper.

High season

The main flows of tourists arrive in Koh Samui in the winter. The high season here begins in mid-December and lasts until the end of April. At this time, numerous hotels of the island fill up, beaches, central streets, cafes and restaurants become crowded, the number of visitors to local attractions is growing, nightlife is full of fun. As it should be in the high season, in these months the cost of living, food prices, transport tariffs increase. The period from mid-December to late March is not in vain considered the season when it is better to relax on Koh Samui. There are several reasons for this:

  • The weather at this time is not too hot, and the refreshing east winds and low humidity make it even more comfortable. The amount of precipitation in December and January is very noticeable, but, starting in February, it becomes minimal - a dry season begins in Samui, lasting until the end of April.
  • In winter, beach vacations are very popular among residents of the northern countries, and in the subtropic resorts (Mediterranean, Black Sea) in the winter months it is not a season.
  • Many tourists are attracted by the celebration of the New Year on this exotic island.
  • The winter months are considered the best for relaxing in the resorts of the mainland of Thailand, and at the same time in Samui, although the weather conditions on the mainland and island have significant differences.
  • December and January are the months when the sea is disturbed. This attracts wave lovers to the island, because the rest of the year off the coast of Koh Samui, the calm is dominant.

Many tourists are interested in not only a beach holiday, but also an acquaintance with the sights of the island. For such vacationers, the season when it is better to go to Samui is from mid-December to February, when the spring heat has not yet begun. In mild weather, it is physically easier to visit interesting places on the island - temples, gardens and historical architectural structures.

In comfortable weather, it is much more pleasant than in the heat to go hiking in the mountain jungle, to visit waterfalls and coconut plantations. This is the indisputable advantage of the winter months of the high season.

It so happened that when the season on Koh Samui is for a beach holiday, then most of the holidays fall on the island, which are celebrated on a grand scale. The high season falls on the official, Chinese, Thai New Year holidays, days of the child, teacher, Thai elephant, holidays of the Buddhists "Makha Bucha", the anniversary of the ruling Chakri dynasty. All these spectacular celebrations leave vivid impressions and provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and history of the Thai people.

Air temperature

Throughout the year, the temperature on Koh Samui is kept within the limits of + 31-24 ° С. There is no cold or unbearable heat at 40 ° C, the temperature difference in the dry and rainy seasons is relatively small.

Monthly weather in Koh Samui in high season. The average day and night air temperature is:

  • in December and January - + 29-24 ° С;
  • in February - + 29.5-25 ° C;
  • in March - + 30.7-25.6 ° C;
  • in April - + 32-26 ° С - this is the hottest month of the dry season.
Water temperature

Water in the sea off the coast of Samui is comfortable for swimming all year round, its temperature ranges from + 26 ° C to + 30 ° C.

During the season on Samui, when it is better to relax on the beaches of the island, the water heats up on average:

  • in December-February - up to + 26-27 ° С;
  • in March and April - up to + 28 ° С.

November and early December are the most rainy months of the year on Samui. But towards the end of December, the amount of precipitation is gradually decreasing.

In the second half of December and throughout January, precipitation often occurs, but they are short-term, usually lasting no more than half an hour, and the rest of the time there is clear weather.

In February, the dry season on Samui begins, this month the average rainfall is minimal. Until the beginning of May, it rains infrequently, the weather is mostly sunny. During the high season for months, the weather on Samui differs slightly, in general, it is comfortable for relaxing on the beach, and for excursions.

Wind and waves

In November, monsoons begin to blow on Samui, bringing humid air from the east. Therefore, at the beginning of the high season - in mid-December and January, it is windy here, waves appear on the sea. These winds are not strong, warm, and feel like refreshing. Excitement at sea does not impede swimming, and surf lovers are given the opportunity to ride the waves.


Since the season on Samui, when it is better to rest, falls mainly on the driest months, the humidity in this period is minimal. In the wettest months of the high season - December and January, refreshing monsoons blow here, and from February to the end of April there is excellent dry weather. Therefore, there is no stuffiness throughout the high season, and the hot weather is well tolerated.


In the period of increased tourist activity, in accordance with the laws of the market, the cost of recreation at the resorts increases. In Samui during the high season, prices for accommodation, flights and goods increase by about 15-20% compared to summer rates.

Samui lives in tourism, hotels and guesthouses are abundant here. However, in the high season, it may be difficult to find suitable accommodation options, therefore it is recommended to book rooms in advance.Find out RATES or book any accommodation using this form

Low season

The decline in tourist activity in Samui begins in the second half of April. During this period, it becomes less crowded on the beaches, numerous hotels are empty by half, or even more, and prices for accommodation, meals and airline tickets are reduced.

However, most of the months of the low season are pleased with excellent weather, and tourists who come here enjoy an excellent holiday, receiving bonuses in the form of free beaches and reduced prices. Consider the weather in Samui (Thailand) during the low season months, and when it is better to come here.

The low season on Samui does not accidentally begin in May and ends in mid-December. May, October, November and the beginning of December are the rainiest months in the resorts of this island. A particularly large amount of precipitation is observed in November.

On Samui, the rainy season begins in May. This month it rains twice as often as in the previous months of the dry season. Precipitation falls often, but the rains last relatively shortly, sunny weather prevails. In addition, May is the hottest month on Koh Samui, and frequent rains help to transfer heat more easily, therefore they are perceived positively.

The average daily air temperature in May reaches record values ​​for this island. The water is warm, "like fresh milk," the sea is calm and clean. In general, a holiday in Samui in May is good for people who like hot weather and can easily tolerate high humidity.

From June to the end of September, there is weather on Koh Samui, perfect for a beach holiday. May heat decreases slightly, and the frequent rains characteristic of May are less frequent in summer and early fall. The average day and night air temperature in the rainy season on Samui for months:

  • May - +32.6 -25.8 ° С;
  • June - + 32.2-25.5 ° C;
  • July - + 32.0-25.1 ° C;
  • August - + 31.9-25.1 ° C;
  • September - + 31.6-24.8 ° C;
  • October - + 30.5-24.4 ° C;
  • November - + 29.5-24.1 ° C.

In summer and early autumn, the weather on the island is characterized by moderately hot sunny days and rapidly passing rains. Short-term precipitation does not interfere with beach vacations, therefore the period from June to September inclusive is one of the seasons on Koh Samui when it is better to go on vacation. Rest at this time will please with excellent sunny weather, warm, calm and transparent sea, sparsely populated beaches and relatively low prices.

The water temperature in the sea at the beginning of the low season is + 30 ° С, gradually decreasing to + 27 ° С as autumn approaches. Humidity is quite high - 65-70%, but many rooms here are air-conditioned, so for those who are not used to hot and humid weather, there is always the opportunity to take refuge in comfortable conditions.

In economy class hotels on the island there are rooms equipped with fans, so if you are frightened, take care in advance to rent an air-conditioned room and you will be guaranteed temperature comfort. Most vacationers adapt to the local climate quickly enough.

It happens that in the low season squally winds fly up to Samui, as warned by storm warnings. But this rarely happens, and the weather usually does not last long, bringing pleasant coolness.

In October, it begins to rain more often, the amount of precipitation is more than doubled compared to the previous month. Accordingly, the air humidity also increases. In November, the amount of precipitation reaches its maximum; it rains this month 4-5 times more often than in summer and 3.5 times more heavily than in May. The average monthly norm reaches 490 mm, precipitation in November can occur several times a day, often overcast, air humidity reaches 90% and higher.

The indisputable advantage of November is the absence of heat, on some days the air temperature drops to comfortable + 26 ° С. But in general, a holiday on Koh Samui in November will appeal mainly to romantics who love the solitude and melancholy noise of sheer tropical rainfalls.

Those who are looking for a monthly holiday season in Samui often make their choice in favor of the low season, due to the fact that with excellent summer weather and free beaches, rest at this time is more economical. Prices for accommodation, meals, airline tickets during this period are 15-20% lower than in the months of the high season.
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It is believed that the best season on Koh Samui for a beach holiday is the period from mid-December to late April, when the weather is most comfortable - dry and relatively hot. But many vacationers come here from June to September, when prices are reduced, and the weather becomes hot in the summer, with short-term refreshing rains and warm gentle sea. Each of these seasons is good in its own way, so when choosing a time to visit this beautiful island, it is better to focus not on the stereotypes imposed by advertising, but on your own preferences.

Watch the video: The Best Time To Visit Thailand 2019 ! (October 2024).

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