Bat Yam is a popular resort city in Israel

Bat Yam (Israel) is a resort city in the central part of the country, in the suburbs of Tel Aviv (distance is only 5 km). In the neighborhood is an ancient attraction - the city of Jaffa. Bat Yam is credited with the status of the most comfortable and beautiful Israeli resort. The city attracts with its clean sandy beaches, excellent tourist infrastructure, a large selection of hotels, apartments and hostels. In short, Bat Yam is a wonderful place for a leisurely, rich experience.

Photo: Bat Yam city.

Where is Bat Yam in Israel. Interesting Facts

The city of Bat Yam is located on the Mediterranean coast, in a southerly direction from Jaffa. The resort town is part of Tel Aviv, bordered by Holon. The vast majority of the local population come from the former republics of the Soviet Union and the CIS countries.

A few historical facts

The first name of the settlement recorded in historical documents is Bait va-Gan, which means home and garden. The official date of the creation of Bat Yam is 1926, its founders are merchants from Jaffa. True, after some time they were forced to leave the city due to military unrest organized by the Arabs.

Interesting fact! The largest population growth was recorded in the 30s of the last century, when residents of Nazi Germany massively moved to Israel.

The modern name - Bat Yam (translated as "daughter of the sea") - was assigned to the village in 1936, a few years later it was seriously damaged as a result of hostilities for independence and was permanently cut off from the European community.

In the middle of the XX century, many immigrants from Africa and Romania came to the resort of Bat Yam. The official status of the city was assigned to an Israeli resort in 1958.

Features of Bat Yam

First of all, the city of Bat Yam is a great place for shopping. There are many shops, luxury boutiques, shopping centers. A large selection of clothes and shoes, the famous Israeli cosmetics, jewelry and jewelry, carpets, sweets and souvenirs is presented. By the way, prices for goods are slightly lower than in Tel Aviv.

Another feature of the resort city is that it is perfect for a leisurely, measured vacation with the whole family. Many hotels offer excellent facilities for families with children of all ages. If necessary, a baby cot is even provided.

Given the geographical location of the city - on the coast - almost all hotels are built right on the beach. The rooms are equipped with air conditioning, safes, modern showers and televisions, a telephone and free internet are provided. Health spas, massage rooms, pools, gyms invite health and a course of cosmetology procedures.

Important! Do not like public transport? The hotels offer a service - car rental.

The city park is a favorite vacation spot for locals and guests of the resort. The park zone is a green, picturesque oasis in Israel, where people come for a walk in the evening.

Fisherman, "Gamblers"

Notable places in Bat Yam:

  • Beth Fisher Museum;
  • house-museum to them. Sh. Asha;
  • Museum of Ben-Ari.

There is a leisure center in the city for parents and children to relax. There are several swimming pools, a relaxation zone, water slides and other attractions, tennis courts. And in Bat Yam, an artificial ice rink welcomes guests year-round.

Good to know! Bat Yam has a comfortable geographical location - from here you can go to any of the sights of Israel.

Bat Yam beaches

Hasela Beach

The length of the beach area of ​​Bat Yam in Israel is about three kilometers, in this area there are several beaches, the best:

  • Hasela Beach;
  • Stone;
  • Jerusalem

Beach areas are separate, well equipped, showers, changing cabins are installed.

Good to know! On Kamenny there is a breakwater, thanks to which it is the safest place for swimming with the family.

The beaches of Bat Yam can be described as follows - in harmony with nature and in exemplary order. Local architects sought to beat the geographical location of the city, combining natural features with architectural style. It is not surprising that Bat Yam is considered the standard of the resort city and attracts a large number of tourists.

Photo: Bat Yam, Israel.

Central beach

Thanks to the breakwater, the beach is the calmest. Waves, of course, happen, but very rarely. That is why older people and families with small children come here. The water level in the sea across the chest of an adult.

A few features:

  • the beach is large enough, but the right side is cleaner, since the direction of the flow is from right to left;
  • locals like to spend time by the sea with the whole family, so it can be quite dirty on the beach, but they quickly clean it;
  • the sandy shore, on the shore there are sun loungers and umbrellas, awnings, showers and toilets, cafes, lifeguards work;
  • rent of a chaise lounge and an umbrella - 18 shekels, rent of a chair, an umbrella and a table - 12 shekels;
  • prices on the right side of the coast are more expensive, since it is cleaner here;
  • depending on the time of year, there are quite large jellyfish near the coast, be careful - they burn;
  • parking is paid - a place on weekdays 30 shekels, on weekends - 40 shekels.

Important! On the beach, be sure to focus on the flag. White cloth means - you can swim, red - strong waves, black - swimming is forbidden.

Stone beach

The beach belongs to the elite and the most comfortable. There are always many tourists and locals. Near the beach there is a city promenade, it is on Kamenny that the best cafes and restaurants in Bat Yam are located. It regularly hosts creative and cultural events. You can approach the shore from the streets of Jerusalem or Atzmaut.

Another well-maintained beach is Jerusalem, you can also visit a separate beach, where people who live by religious rules come.

The promenade of Bat Yam

The embankment is the pride of Bat Yam, here it is nice to relax in the shade of trees, sit on benches, eat in a cafe. From any part of the embankment a sand spit is visible along which hotels have been built. Another attraction adjoins the main street of the city - Bat Yam Park, whose alleys give life-giving coolness on hot days. In the warm season, the embankment becomes a large concert venue for festivals and performances by theater troupes.

What tourists need to do in Bat Yam:

  • to meet the dawn on the embankment of the city with a cup of coffee; for this, wooden bar counters with chairs were installed along the entire street;
  • dance with locals to incendiary melodies;
  • attend a street circus performance with your child.

Interesting fact! According to Forbes magazine, the city leads in many areas - education, ecology. Bat Yam owes such achievements to a special municipal program, according to which the responsibility for the cleanliness and well-being of the city is assigned to all its residents.

Holidays in Bat Yam

The main direction that is being developed by the city authorities is tourism. In accordance with the chosen course, it was decided to provide tourists and guests of Bat Yam with comfortable housing with a full range of necessary services and at affordable prices. It is these criteria that are decisive in the construction of hotels and hotels.

Important! Every hotel, even the most fashionable, has budget rooms.

Almost all apartments have a kitchenette equipped with everything necessary for cooking. The rooms have air conditioning - this is not a luxury, but a necessity, given the hot climate of Israel. They are equipped with showers, a telephone, a TV are working, and a safe is provided for storing valuables.

Comfortable conditions have been created for families with children so that parents do not deal with organizational issues, but immerse themselves in the atmosphere of relaxation. If necessary, they will put a cot with a mattress in the apartment, you can use the services of a professional nanny, children's playrooms work.

Important! The cost of living in Bat Yam hotels is approximately 5% -30% lower than in Tel Aviv. That is why many travelers prefer to stay in Bat Yam, and on an excursion to Tel Aviv get a rented car or bus - the journey takes about 30 minutes.

A few recommendations for tourists:

  • for beach relaxation, the best time is from the second half of spring to the beginning of autumn;
  • in the winter months, hotel rates are significantly reduced;
  • if you want to save on accommodation, order a room without breakfast - as a rule, breakfasts in hotels are of the same type, at unreasonably high prices, in the city you can eat several times cheaper.

Important! In Bat Yam, as in other resort cities in Israel, there are inexpensive hostels. The prices here are quite affordable, while the living conditions are in no way inferior to 2-star hotel rooms. The obvious advantage of hostels, in addition to affordable housing, is the location right on the beach.

Fifty Steps From The Beach

If we talk about the prices for housing in apartments and hotels, in the first case the minimum price is $ 47, and in the second - you will have to pay about $ 100.

Problems with finding a cafe or restaurant in the city of Bat Yam in Israel will not arise. Most institutions are located on the waterfront. The cost of a check in an inexpensive cafe varies from $ 14 to $ 25. Lunch in a mid-range restaurant for two will cost from $ 47 to $ 69.

Important! If you plan to cook yourself, buy products in the markets - here the prices are lower than in stores.

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Climatic conditions when it is better to go

Throughout Bat Yam, a typical Mediterranean climate prevails. This means that from November to March there are heavy and prolonged rains, and summers are hot, arid and sunny.

The coldest month is January, at which time the thermometer drops to + 14 ° C. But in the hottest month - August - the air heats up to + 30 ° C. Sea temperature throughout the year varies from + 17 ° C (January) to + 28 ° C (summer).

Tourists who are fortunate enough to visit Bat Yam in different seasons note that the city is beautiful in any season. In summer, the best time for beach relaxation, in winter you can visit the sights of Israel and even swim in the Dead Sea. But the best months to travel are autumn and spring.
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How to get from Ben Gurion Airport to Bat Yam

There are several ways to cover the distance from Tel Aviv to Bat Yam in Israel. Of course, the most comfortable, but at the same time the most expensive - taxi. There are also rail and bus services.

A train

The train station is located directly in the airport building. You need to get to the Haganah station (Tel Aviv) and transfer to the train next to Bat Yam.

Important! There is no direct rail link between Tel Aviv and Bat Yam.

The trip takes about 60 minutes, the total cost is 15 shekels or about $ 4.

In general, the route is quite comfortable, but has a significant drawback - in Bat Yam the train will not take you to the hotel, so in the city you will have to take a taxi (about $ 15) or wait for the bus ($ 2).


As for taxis, there are two ways:

  • order a car on a special site, you can do this in advance or directly at the airport (in Ben Gurion free wi-fi, so there will be no problems with ordering a taxi), the cost of the trip is about $ 60;
  • take a taxi upon arrival in Tel Aviv, in this case it is important to immediately negotiate the cost of the trip with the driver.

From Tel Aviv to Bat Yam there are Dan buses number 18. Departure from King George / Zamenhoff stop. The duration of the route is about 25 minutes (distance is 7 km), the cost of tickets is from $ 1 to $ 3. In Bat Yam, buses arrive at the Ha'Atsma'ut Blvd / Rothschild stop.

Prices on the page are for February 2019.

Bat Yam (Israel) has a certain color, and comfortable beaches and an atmosphere of leisureliness and relaxation add to this city a special attraction.

Watch the video: Municipality of Tel Aviv brings books to beachgoers (October 2024).

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