Prague tourist card Prague card - is it profitable to buy

Prague Card is a discount card for tourists, by purchasing which, guests of the Czech capital can significantly save on sightseeing, excursions, cruises, and also have lunch and dinner in cafes and restaurants in Prague with substantial discounts.

What is a Prague Card?

Prague Card or the guest card of Prague is an electronic card that allows city guests to visit attractions, make purchases and have dinner at a discounted cafe. The first such cards began to be sold in Sweden, and then became popular in many European cities.

You can buy a card at the city information centers and at the airport. It is beneficial or not to use the Prague Card, we will find out further.

What is included in Prague Card

After purchasing Prague cards you will receive:

  • free guide in seven languages ​​(including Russian);
  • discounts on excursions, cruises, master classes in Prague;
  • free entry to more than 50 museums, galleries, castles, palaces and art spaces of Prague;
  • discounts up to 50% for visiting a number of museums, shops and restaurants;
  • free sightseeing tour of the city by bus (2 hours).

How it works?

Using Prague Card in Prague is very simple. When buying a ticket to the museum, booking a table in a restaurant, buying a cruise or an excursion, you just need to present Prague Card to the employee, after which you will be given a discount. The fact that a museum or cafe works with this card is usually written at the box office.

It is important to remember that the Prague Card comes into effect from the moment you enter your details and select the card validity time (the date of commencement of the Prague Card is any, but the countdown always starts from 00.00 hours). If the start and end dates of the card are not selected, the Prague Card Prague card is considered invalid.

In addition, Prague Card is registered, therefore it is forbidden to transfer it to third parties.

Prices. Where and how to buy Prague Card

Prague Airport

You can buy Prague Card at the airport, museums and hotels of the city, information centers or on the official website: // (there are Russian and English languages).

When ordering Prague Card online, you will receive an electronic voucher, which, upon arrival in Prague, will need to be exchanged for a real card. This can be done at the airport (rack hours - from 10.00 to 19.00). For an additional amount, you can order delivery of Prague Card to a hotel or to your apartment in Prague.

When buying a Prague Card in Prague, an information center employee must provide a passport, since the cards are registered. You can pay by cash or credit cards Visa and Mastercard. As a rule, information centers, where you can also get a city map and information booklets with descriptions of various attractions for free, are open from 10.00 to 18.00 daily.

The price of Prague Card depends on the number of days:

Type ofCost (Euro)
2 days for adults58
2 days for students and children43
3 days for adults68
3 days for students and children50
4 days for adults78
4 days for students and children57

Interestingly, it is not possible to purchase a Prague Card in Prague for less than 2 and more than 4 days. This fact usually does not suit tourists who come to Prague for a longer period.

Is it profitable to buy a map of Prague

Astronomical observatory

As mentioned above, with the help of Prague Card you can visit 50 objects in Prague for free, as well as receive significant discounts in shops, cafes, restaurants and museums of the city. Let's find out which is more profitable: purchase a card or pay separately for each attraction.

Attraction / CafePrice with Prague Card (CZK)Price without Prague Card (CZK)
Astronomical observatoryis free150
Royal Palaceis free220
Jewish Museum in Pragueis free350
Prague Zoois free200
Schwarzenberg Palaceis free220
Museum of Policeis free50
Ghost museum120170
Franz Kafka Museum140200
Small synagogueis free350
Museum of Bohemian Glass178250
Vltava River Cruiseis free340
ICE PUB in Prague2 drinks for free200
Prague map

Thus, if we purchase a Prague Card for a period of 3 days, we will spend 438 kroons (17 euros) + 68 euros = 85 euros.

If you buy a ticket to the above museums and palaces separately, the cost will be as follows: 2500 kroons (97 euros).

Of course, using a Prague card is more profitable than buying tickets separately, but this only works if you intend to visit many attractions in Prague in a short time.

Jewish quarter

Also, it all depends on what attractions interest you. If the area of ​​interest is the Jewish quarter, then the map of Prague is worth taking, since there are quite expensive entrance tickets to museums and synagogues. The same applies to the Old Town: there are not very many museums here, but entrance fees are decent.

If you want to travel around the New Town, then there is no need for a Prague Card, since the cost of admission to most museums does not exceed 50 kroons.

New town

You also need to correctly calculate your strengths: not everyone can visit more than three museums in a day, and also go on a sightseeing tour.

It is not possible to save significantly in Prague using a card, but to “win” several hundred crowns is quite possible. Before traveling to the Czech Republic, it is advisable to make an approximate list of what you want to visit and calculate whether Prague Card will be beneficial in your case.

People who do not want to visit more than 4 museums and entertainment events in a day should not take the Prague Card. But for those who want to get around the maximum number of interesting places in a short time, using Prague Card will be beneficial.

Video about what to visit in Prague per day.

Watch the video: TRAVELLiNG AROUND PRAGUE Honest Guide (October 2024).

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