Types and varieties of sansevieria. Description, photo, care recommendations

Sansevier (sansevieria) is a true champion of oxygen producing domestic plants. This is an unusual-looking flower, varieties, the names and photos of which will be presented later in the article, the people have quite original nicknames - "snake skin", "pike tail" and even "mother-in-law's tongue"!

However, all this is nothing more than a sweet joke - sansevieria is incredibly popular among gardeners. It not only looks spectacular in apartments and conservatories - its unique feature is the ability to absorb all substances harmful to health from the air.

All popular types and varieties of sanseviera, names and photos

Cylindrical, tubular (Cylindrica)

The leaves are dense, leathery, dark green in color with a pronounced longitudinal groove. The tip is pointed, eventually turns into a spike. Large spots, dark or light shades, are randomly scattered in the upper part.

The flower stalk can reach a meter in height, its color varies from scarlet to pink, sometimes it is green or white.

The flowers are tubular, white or cream, the tips of the petals give pink. Sansevieria cylindrical grows to 1.5 meters. The flower prefers soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. He needs a thick-walled shallow pot and moderate watering.

Three-way (Trifasciata)

One of the most common, it is often used in phytodesign. There are dwarf (up to 20 centimeters), and tall varieties. It has no stem, and the funnel-shaped rosette attaches directly to a branching, powerful rhizome. The plates in the outlet are long (up to 1 meter), gray-green, leathery, with dark green stripes across. The shape is belt-shaped, the tip of the apex is pointed.

The flowers of Sansevieria are three-lane at first glance inconspicuous, but spreading a strong fragrance. They are collected in large racemose inflorescences. Brushes grow out of the outlet and hold for about a week. After fruits, they contain from one to three seeds inside.

The variety adapts to almost any climatic conditions, but categorically does not tolerate drafts and cold winds.

A young plant is watered through a tray. The temperature regime is not required, for this grade, a short-term decrease in the ambient temperature to 5 degrees above zero is allowed. If sansevieria does not have enough light for a long time, its leaves gradually become monochromatic green. For illumination in the winter months, the owner is advised to purchase a special lamp.

Laurentii (Laurentii)

The progenitor of the bulk of the varieties - most were bred with Laurenti. And also it is the oldest of all known varieties of sansevier. Its xiphoid leaves have a clear yellow strip along the edge and pointed tips. With proper care, it can reach a meter mark.

Velvet (Velvet Touchz)

Its leaves are similar to tubules with a diameter of 15-20 mm. Their base is wide, and the upper part is pointed and dries out over the years. In the center of the plate is a deep groove. The stems of the plant resemble velveteen to the touch. Read more about this interesting type of plant in a separate article.


Its name, which translates as "moonlight," this sansevieria received for the beautiful silver shade of the sheet plates. Its outlet is completely hidden in the soiland gray-green leaves (5-6 pieces) stick out directly from the ground. The flowers are small, white, collected in small panicles. With careful care, every year pleases its owner with flowering. The average plant size is 30-35 cm.

Hanni, Silver Hannii

Flowering is completely absent. The average size is 25-30 cm. It is identical to the "parent", it differs only in color: the leaves are gray-green with a silver coating, the stripes on the plates are horizontal and blurry. The edging around the edge is brownish. It is used as a separately growing succulent and for composing compositions with other home crops. You can find out about Sansevieria Hanni here.


Classical interior plant with dense leaves. It can be grown on the windowsill and on the floor in a suitable tub.


It has very thick and variegated lanceolate leaves.whose color is bright golden with green vertical stripes. Grow up from a tight outlet. It can bloom at any time of the year, the flowers resemble stars. The peduncle is cut off at the end.

Black Gold

Its leaves are thinner and much longer, and not such a dense rosette. Color like the flame variety. This variety is watered 1-2 times a month in the autumn-winter period, 1 time per week - in the summer and spring. Top dressing is only in the warm season. Young plants are transplanted every year, adults - every 3 years.

Kirk Friends (Kirkii)

This plant has very short underground rhizomes and white, in capitate inflorescences, buds. Emerald green leaves with white or grayish spots. In the outlet they are from 1 to 3. The instance grows up to 2 meters in length.

Futura Superba

The height of the plant is relatively small (40-45 cm), but the leaves are wide (10-12 cm) and very hard. Children, most often, do not repeat the drawing of the sheet of the parent. In shape, the bush resembles a vase, expanding to the top.

Fishery (Sansevieria Fischeri)

The outdated name is singularis. Habitat - Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya. Leaves are gray-green or bluish, growing vertically upward, single. The shape is cylindrical, height - from 2 to 2.5 meters. In a young plant, the grooved leaves are collected in a rosette. On their surface there are clear transverse stripes.

Samurai (Dwarf Samurai)

Instances of this variety are medium in size. and a large number of leaves - from 10 in the outlet. A white-brown border runs along the edge of the leaf plate. It is unpretentious in care, can withstand 2-3 weeks without watering.

Zeylanic (Zeylanic)

One of the most elegant varieties that are often purchased for home breeding. In a young plant, the leaves are small and thin, but with age they significantly increase in size and become covered with small silver spots and waves. The pattern is mainly located in the center of the plate. There is no bordering. Height - from 30 to 150 cm. Watering is required moderate, but the sun as much as possible. In winter, backlighting is required.

Black Coral

Very lively and spectacular upright plant. His homeland is tropical Asia and Africa. The leaves are narrow and fleshy, grow up, form a lush bush. On the leaf blade, transverse strips of dark green color are clearly outlined.

Over time, if there is enough lighting, the stripes turn black.

In leaving unpretentious. Watering - only after the soil has completely dried. This variety does not require spraying, but it is useful to wipe the leaves with a slightly damp cloth from time to time.

Silver Queen (Silver Queen)

A hybrid variety, the distinguishing feature of which is its color: dark green spots on silver leaves. On the edges visible emerald border. With age, the leaves darken. It is best to propagate this variety by dividing the rhizomes, otherwise the characteristics of the variety are lost.

Robusta (Robusta)

A distinctive feature of the variety is the rich red border that runs along the edge of the leaves. They are wide and short, assembled in a tight outlet. The plate itself is painted in saturated green with darker strokes running across.

Manolin (Manolin)

This variety may have several options for leaf colors: blue, blue, aqua. A narrow cream border runs along the edges the same color of the strip in the center of the plates. Leaves drooping, xiphoid, thin. The height of an adult plant is a meter, sometimes one and a half. It is growing rapidly.

Dwarf (Small, Undersized)

This group includes sansevieria hanni, cylindrical, twister sister.

Twister Sister

Compact plant with a low outlet. Leaves of olive shade with dark green specks on the front surface and a dull yellow border at the edges. Grow in the form of pigtails. The tips are rounded.

Kirk Silver Blu (Kirkii Silver Blu)

Rosette miniature and rather rare variety of this type. Thick leaves with dense wavy edges. The color is gray-green, the stripes are present both longitudinal and transverse. Along the edge is a red and white edging. With vegetative propagation, the variety retains maternal qualities. It grows very slowly, but in its family is the most beautiful.

Boncelensis (Cylindrica Bonselensis)

Leaves are cylindrical in shape, 10-30 cm long, dense, with a rounded end. The socket is two-row, sheet plates are fan-shaped.

Fernwood musica

It was taken from the shores of Sri Lanka. Leaves erect, shiny, malachite shade. Cross strips are dark and light. The flowers are medium-sized, snow-white or lilac, collected in brushes. Peduncle reaches a meter in height. It has strong spines. In Central Africa, sansevieria fernwood serves as a material for the manufacture of fabrics and ropes.

Nelson (Nelsonii)

Laurenti hybrid, nelson leaves are thicker, shorter and more numerous. They grow vertically upVelvet to the touch and shine beautifully. Species characteristics are preserved only when propagated by division of the rhizome.


This miniature plant is also called "Kenyan hyacinth." Rosettes of the bush consist of 6-16 narrow, fancifully curved leaves 20 to 40 cm long. Each has dark green transverse streaks. It multiplies very quickly by shoots and blooms profusely. The buds exude a light aroma of freshness.

Bakularis (Bacularis)

A plant with dark green, cylindrical leaves, dense and leathery. They grow without combining in a stem, in a row. This variety tolerates drafts, dry air, sunflowers and shade. It does not require frequent watering and transplanting. The only minus is the slightest excess of moisture in the soil leads to rotting of the rhizome.

Hyacinth (large) (Hyacinthoides)

Despite the name, it can not boast of large sizes. Maximum - 50-60 centimeters in height. Leaves are collected in sockets of 5-10 pieces, color - green with transverse emerald strokes. The edges are brown or white. The most popular variety of the species is Ayo. For growing in hanging baskets, ampel varieties are chosen.

Skyline (Cylinder Skyline)

It looks very similar in appearance to a cylindrical sansevier, with one exception: the leaves grow in parallel, outwardly resembling spread fingers. This variety requires monthly fertilization in the soil and annual transplantation into a larger flat pot than the previous one.

Ayo (Ajo)

The leaves of this variety are ovoid, wide, decorated with a thin border (the color of the petals varies from milky white to reddish-orange) and a lot of pearl-gray blotches. 2-4 pieces grow in a rosette, the average height of the plant is 45-50 cm. The width is not more than 6 cm. Flowering occurs in winter, the peduncle is long and strong, with small and very fragrant flowers.


Having planted several children of different varieties in one container, you can get a flower mix, amazing in its texture and shades. It is best to choose both plain and variegated varieties about the same size.

Briefly about home care

  • Lighting should be moderate: a lack of light will make patterns on the leaves fade, and excess will turn yellow. An eastern or western window is ideal. On the southern window sill, shading by a screen or curtains is necessarily organized.
  • In the summer months, the flower is best taken to the balcony or to the garden. The upper temperature limit is not fundamental. But in winter, the temperature should not fall below +16 degrees.
  • Excess moisture in the pot is the greatest danger to the plant. In winter and summer, an earthen lump in a pot should dry out completely between waterings. In the cold season, the lower the temperature, the less often you need to water. Water should be at room temperature, distilled, or at least standing for a day in an open jar.
  • Room humidity does not matter.
  • Feeding scheme: 1 time per year with fertilizer for cacti or phosphorus-potash. If necessary (if the plant is ill), you can do this more often - once a month, but the concentration of the drug decreases several times. Otherwise, all patterns and shades will disappear from the leaves.
  • The pot is selected ceramic, wide and low. The bottom drainage layer is at least 3 cm.
  • Transplantation is carried out as necessary, young are transplanted more often than mature plants.
Attention! The plant must be protected from sudden changes in temperature and drafts.

Tall or miniature, with a lush bush or single leaves, with spectacular spraying or a more modest color - everyone can choose a variety to their taste. Discreet decorativeness suitable for dyeing a modest home, pompous workroom, conservatory or conservatory. Sansevieria not only pleases the eye, but also works for the benefit of all mankind, purifying the air.

Watch the video: Snake Plant Collection and Plant Care Sansevieria Plant Care (October 2024).

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