Mexican guest on our windowsills - prickly pear

Cacti are considered plants of the New World. Almost all of them come from South and North America, as well as from the West Indies. With the help of humans, many species of cacti were distributed on all continents except Antarctica. This is mainly opuntovye.

For example, the species Opuntia humifusa can be found today even on the coast of Crimea and in the south of the Volga region. Read on about the beneficial properties of the plant, the rules of care, how to propagate the cactus, what diseases and pests can destroy the plant.

What it is?

Opuntia (Latin name Opuntia) is one of the genus of the cactus family. The number of species of this genus is about two hundred. The genus Opuntia is considered one of the largest in the family. This cactus is also called the Mexican cactus, fig cactus, Indian rice and even mother-in-law language.

The stalks of the prickly pear prickly pear are oval in shape, slightly flattened, and branch and can form bushes up to 2-4 m high. The flowers of prickly pear are red and yellow.

Mexico is considered the main territory for the growth of prickly pear, where almost half of the species of this plant is concentrated.

This genus is common in most of the Americas and the West Indies. Some types of prickly pears can be found in tropical and subtropical regions of the globe.

Useful and healing properties

Prickly pears are mainly grown as ornamental plants. Few people know that its juicy stems can be eaten. This cactus is not toxic, therefore it is safe for humans. Mexican Indians use any part of the plant for gastronomic purposes: stems, flowers, fruits, juice.

Indians also made gypsum dressings from plant juice. Opuntia juice is very sticky and in combination with feathers reliably fixed a broken limb.

Prickly pear juice is used in medicine to treat liver diseases. A decoction of the stems of the plant is also used, which has a light diuretic effect and is indicated for disorders of the genitourinary system. For men after 50 years old, treatment with prickly pear is useful in cases of impaired prostate function.

Plant flowers are used:

  • with hypertrophy of prostate adenoma;
  • with cystitis and involuntary urination, which is often found in older people with diabetes.

An extract from a cactus is used in medicine for the prevention of strokes, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Prickly pear has a positive effect on the human body, protecting against stress and helping to restore strength after heavy physical exertion and illness.

Plant oil, which is obtained by cold pressing from seeds and fruits of a plant, contains vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which fight skin aging. That's why prickly pear oil is part of some expensive cosmetic creams, skin and hair care products. Oil is also used in aromatherapy.

It is interesting! Cows fed peeled stems of the plant produce more milk.

Read more about the medicinal properties of prickly pear and on the use of the plant for medicinal purposes here.

The main types and varieties, their photos


This species is also called Indian fig, Indian fig, prickly pear. The plant is grown for edible fruits, as well as for use in traditional and traditional medicine. The fruits are red, sweet and juicy. Oil and flour are obtained from the seeds of the fruit. Red fig prickly pear flowers brew like tea.

Small hair

Bush-shaped cactus growing in height over 1 m, has a highly branched stem, consisting of obovate shoots without large spines, but with small glochidia. It blooms lemon yellow flowers, 3-5 cm in size, which are formed into fruits of red-purple color.


This type of prickly pear prickly grows from 1 m in height, has segments of 20-25 cm. Long spines of yellow and dark brown color grow from the areoles. Blooms profusely with orange-yellow flowers.

More information about the types of prickly pears can be found in this material.

Plant Care Rules

  • Opuntia prefers bright lighting all year round, but does not like direct sunlight. In summer it adapts to any temperature, and in winter for a plant a comfortable temperature will be about 6 degrees.Low temperature is necessary so that the cactus does not stretch in height.
  • It tolerates any microclimate of the room, without requiring regular spraying.
  • Watering should be careful to avoid decay of the roots of the plant.

In more detail about the care of prickly pear we talked about in this material.

Briefly about growing and breeding

Opuntia propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Plant seeds are soaked in a solution of manganese and sown in sterile soilfried in the oven. This should be done in early March.

  1. The container is covered with a film, which is removed from time to time for ventilation.
  2. The necessary temperature for seedlings is considered to be 20 degrees.
  3. Soil should consist of a mixture of sheet earth, coarse sand, charcoal.
  4. Young shoots are transplanted into separate small pots and placed in a well-lit place.

Propagation by cuttings:

  1. Cuttings are cut from an adult plant from spring to mid-summer, dried and planted in fried coarse sand, covered with a film or a jar.
  2. The greenhouse is periodically ventilated, and the soil is moistened.
  3. The temperature for rooting the shoots should be about 22 degrees.
  4. After the appearance of new buds on the cuttings, they are transplanted into permanent pots with the usual soil.

How does it bloom?

Prickly pear flowering continues from early April to late August. At the same time, green cones appear on the edge of the shoot, which quickly grow and turn pink. The flowers are very beautiful, bell-shaped, formed from several rows of thin, wide petals. Color varies from pink to burgundy, and also from yellow to orange. Prickly pears with white flowers are rare.

In nature, prickly pears bloom quite actively and abundantly, at home it is very difficult to achieve the flowering of this genus of cactus. As a rule, the first flowers of a plant can only be seen in the sixth year of its life.

On a note! Most often, at home, such types of prickly pear, such as white-throated and cylindrical, bloom.

In winter, prickly pears need complete peace and a cool temperature. With the onset of spring, the cactus must be gradually accustomed to sunlight, without leaving it for the whole day in the sun.

What to do if it does not give buds?

Prickly pears may not release buds in low light. To do this, you need to add a lighting cactus, highlighting it with an artificial lamp.

Sometimes the plant produces buds, but they do not bloom. The reason for this may be a deviation from the usual rules of care or due to a phenomenon such as cleistogamy. This is not a disease, but a natural form of seed development without opening the bud - it is impossible to fix it.

If the prickly pear appeared buds, then you can not:

  • turn and move the pot from place to place;
  • transplant a plant;
  • fertilize.

If you break even one rule, then the cactus can lose buds. Watering the blooming prickly pear should be after the earthen coma has completely dried.

For maintenance at home, you should choose low-growing types of prickly pears, from which it is easier to achieve flowering.

About Diseases and Pests

The main pests of prickly pear are:

  1. mealybug;
  2. scale shield;
  3. aphid.

Fight them with a soap solution or use insecticides.

Most often, this genus of cacti affects a disease such as rot of the stem. A plant can kill:

  • gray rot;
  • wet rot;
  • pit rot;
  • late blight fungus.

In this case, a soft brown heel appears on the plant. To get rid of rot, you need to cut off the affected area, and treat the soil with the composition of carbendazim.

Similar flowers

Plants of the genus Opuntia are not similar in appearance to any other plants of the cactus family. But there are flowers in nature that produce similar buds. For example, an evening primrose flower is very similar to a prickly pear flower. And the flowering of the prickly pear berger resembles the flowering of sansevieria.


Caring for prickly pear at home is simple. The plant is unpretentious and easy to get along with other cacti, steadily surviving some fluctuations in temperature and humidity in the room. And with proper care and patience, the owner will also be pleased with beautiful flowers.

Watch the video: Cactus Stenocereus Thurberi Organ Pipe Cactus (October 2024).

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