How to get rid of whiteflies in a greenhouse? Pest Management Methods

Whiteflies (aleirodides) are parasites, small midges that feed on plant sap. The victims of the parasite can be both residents of greenhouses and greenhouses, and home crops. Attacks on plants are a constant problem for gardeners. Whiteflies not only eat plants and vegetables, but also carry viral diseases. They must be approached comprehensively by combining prophylaxis, quarantine and various methods of extermination. Otherwise, your crop will be in jeopardy.

What you need to know about the pest?

The offspring of aleirodida feeds on plant juices. The faster their number increases, the weaker the plant becomes, which leads to slower growth and yellowing of leaves.

Adult whiteflies feed on flesh; they can eliminate an entire bush in a couple of days. Insects have their favorite vegetables - tomatoes, as well as peppers and eggplant. They carry many viruses and can infect plants with diseases. Sooty mushrooms grow in their sugar secretions, which increases the amount of trouble for the greenhouse owner.

For the effective extermination of aleirodides, you need to know the signs of its appearance, living conditions, methods of control and prevention.

Reasons for the appearance

Greenhouse - a favorable shelter for the life and reproduction of insect pests. The cat loves humidity and heat. The main route for whiteflies to enter greenhouses is through planting stock. Enough pairs of larvae in seedlings for infection.

The greenhouse environment has favorable conditions for their rapid reproduction:

  • humidity;
  • warm air;
  • stale air;
  • density of plants.

How to fight?

With the greenhouse whitefly there are various methods of control.

Greenhouse Processing

Consider how the greenhouse is processed.

Freezing or smoke

Whitefly is a thermophilic insect. When the temperature drops to -15 ° C, adults die. So in cold regions in winter you can practice freezing the greenhouse. Aleuridids can calmly winter in the snow, so freezing is best done before or after the snowy season. The greenhouse should be partially dismantled so that it freezes well. After that you need to brush all the corners where the larvae can be, remove the topsoil and dig everything up.

Popular and smoke. It is great for warm regions. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not intended for galvanized rooms. The greenhouse is fumigated with smoke (tobacco or sulfur) bombs. Such a composition quickly destroys the larvae. Checkers are lit at night, in the morning the topsoil is removed.

A checker can be made independently by buying 4 packs of ordinary unfiltered cigarettes. Tobacco should be put in a bowl, set fire and leave to smolder.

Is it possible to get rid of midges by mechanical methods?

Mechanical removal is the most harmless way.

  • With a large number of midges, you can use a vacuum cleaner. So you can remove most of the insects, but some part still remains.
  • Whiteflies can be shot down with a stream of water or with a thick solution of household soap. Remove the remaining midges with a cloth moistened with warm water or in the same solution.


Effective Option - Traps. Bait can be made by yourself or purchased in a store. Ready traps are immediately covered with a special glue that does not dry out. For the bait, you will need pieces of cardboard / plywood of a bright color and adhesive composition.

Bright shades perfectly attract these pests. The composition can be made from a mixture of honey with rosin. Such traps destroy females before offspring appear.

How to destroy the insecticidal (chemical) method?

The mechanical method is not suitable for larvae. The chemical method is useful here. Insecticides are chemicals for disinfecting and killing insects.

When handling insecticides, do not stay indoors for long. Use protective equipment:

  • respirator;
  • gloves
  • overalls.

Some vegetables are not allowed to be treated with insecticides. Cucumbers, tomatoes, greens are not subject to intense heat treatment, a normal washing will not work to get rid of the remains of the poison.

  • Aktara - 2 l / 100 sq. M (spraying), 10 l / 10 sq. M (watering the soil). Provides protection up to 28 days for plants, up to 60 days when watering.
  • Confidor (20% WRC) - 0.1 ml per 1 liter of water. Single processing. Gives protection for a month. 2-3 days after treatment, we recommend treating the leaves with a mixture of alcohol / water (2 tablespoons / 1 liter). This will destroy the pest larvae.
  • Actellic - 1 ml per 1 liter of water. Protection up to 12 days. Treat the plants during the period of the pest. Consumption up to 2 l / 10 sq.m. A single treatment a month before harvest.
  • Spark - 2 ml per 10 liters of water. Used for spraying. Protection up to 26 days.

These substances are used to kill adults.

For larvae, hormonal chemicals are used - "Match", "Admiral":

  1. Match - 3-5 g / 10 l (spraying). Protection up to 3 weeks. Single processing. It affects the intestinal digestive tract of insects. Suitable for any weather.
  2. Admiral - 2-3 ml / 10 l of water. Spraying is recommended in dry, calm weather.

Biological methods

It is impossible to exterminate insects without chemical intervention, but its use can be minimized by gentle biological methods.

The chemical method is quite effective, but chemicals act only superficially. Also, toxic substances do not allow vitamins and supplements to deeply affect the growth of vegetable crops.

  • It is possible to destroy aleurodids by populating other insects in seedlings. In nature, there are predatory insects that gladly enjoy your intruder.
  • Enkarsii perfectly fight pests. For 1 square. m. 2-3 adult females are enough. They lay eggs in the bodies of whitefly larvae. They feed on pest tissues, and after the death of enkarzia they simply fly out of the victim’s body. The whole process takes 2 weeks.
  • For peppers and tomatoes, it is better to use bed bugs macrolofus. For 1 square. m. - 5 individuals, valid for 2 weeks, then, if necessary, can be repeated.
  • Ladybug are quite effective in extermination. They can be caught in the garden or in the meadows, the more the better.
  • Dill and tansy, planted in a greenhouse, are able to attract predators - riders and lacewings with their aroma. Some lay eggs in midge larvae, while others eat them.

At this time, you can not use chemicals, as they can destroy predators, and there will be no result.


Often use alternatives.

Folk remedies

Small populations of aleurodides can be easily managed by washing the leaves with warm water or a thick solution of laundry soap several times a day. Other solutions can be used:

  1. Garlic solution - 150 g chopped garlic / 1 liter of water, insist 5 days, after infusion dilute with water - 6 g / 1 liter.
  2. Yarrow infusion - 100g / 1 liter of boiling water, insist a day.
  3. Dandelion root - 80 g / 1 liter of boiling water, insist a day.

Blue vitriol treatment

Whitefly can hide anywhere:

  • in the corners;
  • cracks;
  • in the soil.

When an insect appears in tomatoes and cucumbers, getting rid of it for a long time will be very difficult. Here, the task will need to be approached comprehensively.

The use of a solution of copper sulfate will not only help in the effective fight against whiteflies and other parasites, but it will also fertilize the soil. This method can be used every 5 years, since a high copper content will harm the crop. The procedure is carried out in spring or autumn a month before planting.

A solution of copper sulfate - 200 g / 10 l of water. In addition to irrigation with a solution, thoroughly rinse the entire greenhouse.

Potassium permanganate disinfection

Another method for complex control is disinfection with potassium permanganate solution. A couple of grains per 10 liters of water is enough. The solution should be a pinkish tint. The solution should also treat the soil and plants - spray the bushes, water the soil and rinse the greenhouse.

Prevention: how to prevent the occurrence?

Preventive measures can prevent or reduce the appearance of whiteflies:

  • Follow the landing pattern. Planting vegetables is required not too close to each other.
  • Before sowing, clean the area from last year's grass and dig the soil.
  • Take out compost from the greenhouse after harvesting and harvesting.
  • Ventilate the greenhouse systematically and open for the winter.
  • Sprinkle the soil regularly with wood ash; the whitefly is afraid of it.
  • Do not use adhesive tapes for insects; their smell attracts a pest.

The appearance of aleirodides is better not to allow. The insect can completely destroy all your vegetables and plants. Examine your greenhouse regularly, observe preventive maintenance, carry out disinfection, carefully check each seedling before planting. If the pest has nevertheless appeared, comprehensive control measures will not allow harm to your pets.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video about methods of controlling whitefly in a greenhouse:

Watch the video: PEST CONTROL: 5 Easy Ways to Control Aphids Whiteflies Mealybugs Spider mites (October 2024).

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