How to find the right pot for anthurium? Recommendations for its selection and use

Anthurium is an amazingly beautiful plant and no less capricious. As a rule, the soil in which it is sold does not fit the flower at all, and it is important to transplant it as soon as possible after purchase.

But, before proceeding with the transplant, it is necessary to determine what kind of pot is needed for the atrium, whether all containers are suitable for this.

Consider the features of containers for planting flower male happiness and present them in the photo.

Why is it important to choose the right one?

Further growth and development of anthurium depends on the choice of a pot., this factor is almost as important as properly selected soil. You need to carefully consider the shape, size and material of which the pot is made, since they directly affect the root system of the plant.

Anthurium roots do not tend to grow deep into the soil layer, but in breadth, parallel to its surface. Among other things, this is due to their high oxygen demand. Therefore, it is best to choose wide shallow containers that will allow the root system to form in a natural way for it.

The size

During the first years of life, young anthuriums are recommended to be transplanted every year., increasing the diameter of the pot by 1-2 cm. Subsequently, transplantation of male happiness is carried out as necessary every 2-3 years, while the new capacity for it should be chosen 3-4 cm more than the previous one.

Important! Like most representatives of its species, anthurium is poisonous.

If its juice gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it can cause an irritation similar to an allergic reaction (itching, redness). When ingested, the juice can cause serious poisoning.. During any manipulations that may cause damage to the plant, it is necessary to use rubber gloves, and at the end of the work, wash your hands thoroughly.

Consider the optimal size of the pot to plant anthurium in the first year of life - 10-12 cm, an adult, fully formed plant will feel comfortable in a pot with a diameter of 25-35 cm.

If you choose a capacity slightly wider than necessary, the aerial part of the plant will begin to actively grow, after some time there will be a large number of lateral processes and children. About a year later, such a plant can be divided, thus obtaining several new flowers. At the same time, one should not count on the abundant flowering of a plant planted in such a pot.

If you select a closer capacity for anthurium during a transplant, only a few centimeters more than the previous one, this will lead to no less interesting results - the plant will begin to bloom actively.

Do not transplant the plant into a pot too large, as this can lead to the accumulation of moisture in the substrate and rotting of the roots. This is due to the fact that a relatively small root system cannot immediately absorb the entire volume of the substrate and absorb all the water from it. In this case, the liquid remains in the soil and is not removed through the drainage holes.

Which material is better?

Unlike many other indoor plants, plastic pot is preferable for anthurium rather than ceramic. Clay and ceramics evaporate moisture faster, while the temperature of the soil in such a pot will be higher in summer and lower in winter than air temperature, which is undesirable for the delicate root system of Anthurium.

If desired, you can also use glass vases, the main thing is to take care of proper drainage.

The form

As mentioned earlier, the most comfortable anthurium will feel in a wide capacitywhose diameter roughly corresponds to its height. It is in such pots that the root system will develop correctly and absorb a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients. It will also contribute to the timely removal of excess water, uniform drying of the soil and air access to the roots.

The shape of the pot itself does not play a role, the anthurium will love and will grow well both in a round, in a square or polygonal flowerpot, the main thing is that other conditions would be met.


The following are photos of different pots in size, shape and material, you will see those that are needed for flower male happiness.

Should there be drainage when planting male happiness?

For the proper organization of drainage, it is necessary that there are several holes on the bottom of the pot. Often, in purchased pots they are not enough or not at all, a significant advantage of plastic pots is the ability to correct this omission on their own.

Attention! In addition to drainage holes, a drainage layer of fine expanded clay or sand is also required. The thickness of the drainage layer should be at least 15% of the total volume of the substrate in the pot.

If the drainage is not organized properly, sooner or later this will lead to waterlogging of the substrate, which contributes to the development of various diseases, root decay, the occurrence of mold and fungus.

Can I use the container again?

Throwing out a pot after it has already been used once makes no sense. If everything is in order with him, he can serve for many more years. Before replanting a new plant into a pot, it is important to thoroughly disinfect it in order to avoid contamination of the new soil with pathogens.

For disinfection, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate, or simply thoroughly wash and treat the pot with steam or boiling water.

Anthurium is a capricious plant, poorly adapted to our climate, however, with proper care, maintaining the necessary temperature and humidity, and creating comfortable conditions, this amazing flower is able to delight its owner with bright fascinating flowers almost all year round.

Watch the video: Tips for selecting the right pot for houseplants (October 2024).

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