Unpretentious plants in a flower carpet: stonecrops

Groundcover plants are widespread among gardeners. They have several advantages.

Unlike other flowers, they are not whimsical, grow on any soil, they can be grown in the sun and in the shade, protect the soil from sunlight, and most importantly, their seeds are bought once and sown only once.

They planted and forgot. Wherever they are planted, the floral carpet looks very chic. Consider how to care for flowers, how to propagate and transplant them.

What kind of plants?

Ground cover plants are not a specific botanical class of plants. This definition is used in gardening and landscape design. A group of plants that form rugs on the surface of the earth belong to it. Representatives of this group differ in shape, color and nature of growth. The similarity is that they grow rapidly, covering vast soil surfaces. The coating is very dense and green. That is why they are called that.

Types of sedum with photos

Caustic (Acre)

Sedum sedum got its name because of the toxicity of its juice, which is found in the green parts of the plant. He has plump leaves. Flowers are like stars. Peduncles have a bright yellow color.


  • It grows year round.
  • It blooms for a month (June-July).
  • Easy to recover, you can walk.
  • Carpet height 5-10 cm.

You can learn about caring for an unpretentious stonecrop, its propagation, as well as see photos of varieties here.

White (Album)

Stonecrop has creeping stems. The leaves are fleshy. White flowers, similar to asterisks.


  • It is considered aggressive.
  • It blooms in summer.
  • Carpet height 7-14 cm.

Read about the white stonecrop plant, where it grows and in what conditions, as well as its healing properties, read in our material.

Spanish (Hispanicum)

The plant has a bluish-green or reddish color. Leaves spindle or papillary shape. He has plump leaves. White flowers, similar to asterisks.


  • Great variability and variability.
  • Carpet height 5-10 cm.
  • After flowering, they immediately die.
  • Needs a shadow.

Kamchatsky (Kamtschaticum)

Sedum has a bluish-green or reddish color. The roots are stiff, branching. It has flat, jagged, hard leaves, 2-3 cm long. The flowers are bright yellow in color, like stars.

Features: carpet height 25 cm.

To learn about why you need to have Kamchatka stonecrop at home, as well as see photos of plant varieties, click here.

Siebold (Sieboldii)

Siebum Sedum has fleshy leaves. The stems are thin, recumbent. The leaves have a bluish-green hue, reddish around the edges. You may notice a wax coating. Peduncles are pink.

Features: carpet height 5-8 cm.

Rubens Lizard (Rubens Lizard)

The plant has a creeping rhizome, shoots rooting, rising, highly branched. The color of the leaves is greenish-pink. The flowers are white, up to 2-3 cm in diameter, collected in corymbose inflorescences.

Features: carpet height 20 cm.

Read about the intricacies of leaving, growing from seeds and planting Sedum Lizard here.

Evers (Ewersii)

The stems of Evers stonecrop have a red tint, have a rounded shape, glabrous, multiple. The color of the leaves is gray-green. They are located opposite, rounded, up to 2-2.5 cm long. Small flowers of soft pink or raspberry color are collected in a corymbose dense inflorescence. The flowers consist of five elongated petals, ten stamens and an erect pestle.


  • It does not tolerate direct sunlight on the leaves.
  • Refers to deciduous plants.

San Sparkler Blue Pearl (Sansparkler Blue Pearl)

The carpet consists of smoky blue foliage with a purple hue. Inflorescences are large bright pink. The stems are strong, red.

Features: the height of the carpets is 15-20 cm.

Read more about the amazing grade of stonecrop “Blue Pearl” or Blue Pearl and the rules for caring for it, read in our article.

Lydian (Lydium)

The shoots of the sedum are thin, short, up to 6 cm high. The leaves are bluish-gray in color, the lower leaves may have a reddish tint. The flowers are pink.


  • It is considered aggressive.
  • Penumbra is more suitable for growing.
  • It does not tolerate drought, should not be planted in small containers and retaining walls.

False (Spurium)

The leaves of stonecrop false are alternately arranged, dark green in color. The leaves have a fleshy base and soft denticles along the edges of the cream color. The edge under the sun turns wine red. Pink flowers with sharp petals are collected in corymbose inflorescences. They completely cover the stems of the sedum.


  • When dry, it seems to be a flowering plant.
  • A frost-resistant stonecrop can calmly winter.
  • It requires a lot of free space.

You can find out what kind of plant Sedum is false raspberry, what is its appearance and how to plant it at home, and from this article you will learn about the features of growing another type of false stonecrop - "Voodoo".

Six-row (Sexangulare)

The six-rowed sedum has erect shoots 5-15 cm high. The leaves are about 4-7 mm long, arranged alternately in 6 spiral rows, bright green in color. The flowers are sharp, wide-spreading yellow.

Features: bears fruit in August.

Reclined (Reflexum)

The shoots of the plant are a bluish-green hue with pointed narrow leaves that look like fir needles. Some branches are silver or pink. The flowers are small, yellow.


  • Carpet height no more than 10 cm.
  • Needs good lighting.
  • It blooms in the second or third year.

You can find out about the features of growing and caring for sedum bent here.


Sedum hybrid has green leaves. His flowers are yellow.

Features: drought and frost resistant.

Oreganum (Oreganum)

The shoots of stonecrop of oregano cover thick leaves with bare roundish shape. At the ends of the shoots are arranged so that they look like dense sockets. In the sun, leaves and stems are filled with cherry red paint. Small flowers have a yellow color, collected in small inflorescences on short peduncles.


  • Carpet height up to 5cm.
  • It has winter hardiness.

Leafy or Dasyphyllum (Dasyphyllum)

Sedum has a bluish or light green color. Sedum has thin, cord-like rhizomes. The stems are green. The leaves are elliptical or oblong, often located on shortened shoots; on flower stems are rarely located. Inflorescences resemble a panicle, consisting of several branches, at the ends of which there are umbrellas with curls. Flowers are located on short pedicels. Petals of flowers of white color.


  • Carpet height 2-10cm.
  • Winters poorly, but is easily restored by self-seeding.

Rural (Selskianum) - Sultan variety

Sedum has a grayish-green color. The rhizome of stonecrop is strong, short, often branched. The stems are branched, reddish in color, woody at the base, 30-40 cm tall, straight. The leaves are alternate, 2-6 cm long, 0.5-1 cm wide, scapular oblique lanceolate or often narrowly linear, blunt or sharp at the apex, tapered at the base, shallowly angular in the upper half. The inflorescence consists of several curls, in the shape of an umbrella.

The flowers are located on short pedicels. Petals are bright yellow, pointed, about 5 mm long.

A popular variety of stonecrop Selsky or stonecrop Selsky: Sultan - is characterized by abundant and prolonged flowering, the cultivation of the variety is made mainly from seeds.


  • It grows slowly.
  • Carpet height up to 5cm.

Thick-billed (Pachyclados)

The thick-branched sedum is bluish or bluish-green in color. The rhizome is thickened, occasionally branched. Stems slightly shortened have short internodes.


  • Carpet height 2-10cm.
  • It builds up slowly.


Sedum Nussbaumera has pointed fleshy leaves of a lemon pink hue. On the stem are located friable, sticking out to the side of the shoot. The flowers are white, up to 1.5 cm in diameter.

Features: grows in a small bush.

Steel or Stahl (Stahlii)

The stem of the sedum Steel is erect, almost unbranched. The leaves are opposite, ovate, 1.2 cm long and 0.8 cm wide, thick, brownish-red, with a gentle pubescence of red-brown color. The peduncle is branched, leafy. Inflorescence apical, panicled with yellow flowers.


  • Carpet height: 15-20cm.
  • Growing up.

Mix or bright palette (Mixed)

A mixture of sedums consists of seeds of a short species - Spanish (S. hispanicum, 5-6 cm tall), medium-sized - white (S. album), hex (S. sexangulare), false (S. spurium cocineum), bent (S. reflexum ) - everything is 10-20 cm high and tall Kamchatka (S. kamtschaticum, 30 cm).

Features: grows fast.

Starfish (Pulchellum Sea star)

Sedum "Starfish", or "Sea Star" - a low perennial herbaceous plant with lodging stems. The leaves are bluish, thick, juicy, with a bluish or red tint, have an opposite arrangement.


  • Carpet height up to 10cm.
  • Drought tolerant.

Weinberg (Weinbergii)

Succulent with recumbent and rising fleshy shoots. Regular and sessile leaves are ovoid or oblong, pinkish-green with a bluish edema and a waxy coating. The flowers are white, in a corymbose inflorescence.


  • Drought tolerant.
  • Abundant flowering.

Many-headed (Multiceps)

The leaves are arranged in bunches at the ends of the stems, giving the plant the appearance of a tree. The leaves are fleshy, grayish-green, smooth. The flowers are 5-petal, pale yellow.


  • Carpet height up to 15cm.
  • Fast growing.

Morganian (Morganianum)

The stems hang from the pot and are densely covered with round, elongated, slightly pointed leaves remotely resembling bananas. The color of the leaves is bluish green.


  • Leaves break off easily from the stem.
  • Abundant flowering.

You can find out about the legendary Sedum of Morgan, about the features of reproduction and care for it, as well as see the photo of the flower, here.


Sedums need to be fed: in the fall with phosphorus-potash, and in the spring - with complex fertilizers. Watering is infrequent, not single. Once every 5 years, it is necessary to rejuvenate old plants by dividing or replacing with young ones.


Reproduction is carried out:

  1. seeds;
  2. division of the bush;
  3. cuttings.
It is required to ensure that plantings do not fall asleep, stonecrops do not know how to break through a layer of decline in spring.


A young plant needs a transplant once every 2 years, an adult - 3 years.

Possible content difficulties

Sedum does not create difficulties in growing. They are considered very tenacious, it is very difficult to get rid of them. With frequent watering, the root system can rot, which will lead to the death of the plant. Ground cover stonecrops are those plants that are used to create beautiful and unique corners. They help to place bright accents in any room or in the garden.


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