Beautiful spathiphyllum Cupido - photos, flowering features, step-by-step care instructions

Spathiphyllum Cupido is highly regarded by gardeners for turned white flowers and bright greens. In literal translation, spathiphyllum is a “white sheet”, characterized by extraordinary elegance and grace.

It is also called "female happiness." This evergreen flower is not very whimsical to care for, but in order for the plant to please the splendor of the bush and abundant flowering, you need to know the rules for caring for it.

Next, we will tell you what varieties are and what is their difference. What to do to make buds appear. We will show you how to propagate the plant. And also, learn all about the diseases and pests of exotics.

Brief definition

Spathiphyllum - perennial belongs to the large family of Aroids. The birthplace of the flower is considered South America. Habitat - tropical rainforests, shores of water bodies. In total, there are more than 40 species of spathiphyllum. But only a few of the subspecies of this exotic are adapted to home conditions.

Detailed description

Tropical spathiphyllum is called Feminine happiness. The height of an adult flower reaches 50 cm. Petioles are large, long. Veins merge with the general dark green background of leaves.

Over the entire flowering period, about 8 to 10 inflorescences appear, several of them bloom simultaneously. The flower itself is wide with a sharp end, has a pale white color. The core is an ear of pale yellow or cream color.

History of occurrence

The first mention of this flower appeared in the 19th century. Spathiphyllum was discovered by the German scientist Wallis. Natural varieties grow in Colombia, Peru, Honduras and Haiti. Bred hybrids intended for cultivation in residential conditions, appeared in Europe and America relatively recently - in the middle of the 20th century. Spathiphyllum Cupido was bred by specialists in the Netherlands nursery as a potted culture.

What is the difference from the rest of the species?

On a note. The stems of Cupid's spathiphyllum grow directly from the base.

Domestic variety Cupido is notable for its compact bush and unpretentious care. Spathiphyllum Cupido is an evergreen flower; it does not drop foliage for the winter; it remains a bright green bush all year round.

Subsorta and their photos


Spathiphyllum Compacta differs from other subspecies in the uniform coloring of the leaves. The central longitudinal vein is not distinguished by a lighter tone of a bright green leaf. The leaves are large, wide, oblong, shiny, medium density, veined.

Flowering is plentiful. In total, up to 10 inflorescences are formed, 3 flowers bloom simultaneously. The inflorescence in shape resembles a spikelet, gently - yellow in color. The flower itself is large, sour cream - white, decoratively folded, with a pointed end.


This rare variety of indoor spathiphyllum is called Adorable. The height of the flower is 40-60 cm. The leaves are large, wide, light green and have a light longitudinal strip, a vein in the center of the leaf. It has a special aroma that manifests itself in the early morning hours.


Variety Dominoes are also considered as variegated spathiphyllum - spots and strokes are randomly located on the dark green background of the leaf on the entire surface of the leaf plate, which gives the flower a variegated decorative effect.


Picasso is distinguished by green leaves with a scattering of large white spots. The flower itself has the shape of a sail, soft white, the cob is light yellow.


When and how?

Spathiphyllum Cupido blooms in April - May. With proper care, flowering is long. At the same time, 2 to 3 flowers bloom, flowering lasts a week. Then several more flowers bloom. For all the time it ripens up to 8 - 10 buds.

Features of care during this period

After flowering, the inflorescence becomes pale green. Before and during flowering, it is not recommended to transplant the flower, flowering and growth may be slow.

The procedure of planting and reproduction is recommended in mid-June, after flowering of Cupid's spathiphyllum. During flowering, an air temperature of up to 18 ° C is desirable.

What if the buds do not appear?

  1. If Cupid's spathiphyllum does not bloom, and the inflorescences become pale, it means that it lacks moisture, it is necessary to intensify watering. The soil should always be moist, but not moist, waterlogged.
  2. If the pot is constantly in the shade, inflorescences may not form, you should rearrange the flower in a lighter place.
  3. It is possible that the pot is too large or, conversely, the bush has grown too much and the pot has become small for the root system, a flower will need to be transplanted.

Step-by-step instructions for home care

Seat selection

Pots are best installed on eastern or western windows. Direct sunlight is contraindicated to Cupido spathiphyllum.

Important! Avoid drafts and cold air currents from the air conditioner.

What should be the soil?

Spathiphyllum Cupido needs loose, slightly acidic soil. It is better to purchase a substrate in the store, for this variety a universal mixture for aroid or tropical flowers is suitable.

You can prepare the mixture yourself:

  • Sod land - 2 hours
  • Sheet land - 1 h.
  • Horse peat - 1 h.
  • Coarse river sand - 1 hour.
  • Charcoal - 0.5 hours
  • Brick chips - 0.5 hours

It is desirable to add medium pieces of wood bark, superphosphate to the substrate. The additive should not exceed 10 -15% of the total amount of substrate.


The procedure for planting Cupid's spathiphyllum is quite easy:

  1. At the bottom of the pot pour 2 cm of drainage base - expanded clay, pebbles, pieces of bark.
  2. A special mixture is half asleep.
  3. A planting bush is vertically placed in the middle of the pot.
  4. The roots straighten evenly.
  5. The remaining substrate is poured, lightly tamped with a spatula.
  6. The leg is slightly deepened, the substrate is pressed around the trunk.
  7. Abundantly watered.
  8. When the soil is sedimented, pour a small amount of substrate into the pot.
  9. The leaves are sprayed.
  10. For 4 - 5 days, the seedling should be held under a plastic cap.


Spathiphyllum Cupid is a thermophilic flower, the optimum temperature of the content is 19 - 25 ° С.

Reference. The temperature should not be lower than 16 - 15 ° С.


The main condition for the care of Cupido spathiphyllum is good watering. Also, in the summer, spraying is required every day, the flower is very hygrophilous. The leaves are wiped with a damp sponge for additional moisture.

Water for irrigation take only purified room temperature. In winter, watering is reduced by 2 times. The water in the pan should not stagnate, after irrigation, excess water must be drained.

Top dressing

Spathiphyllum Cupido is fertilized in the spring with any mineral fertilizer in the ratio of 1 - 2 g per 1 liter of water. Young flowers are fed 1 time in 3 weeks. It is enough to fertilize an adult flower 1 time in 30 days. In winter, the amount of fertilizer is reduced.

When spraying in water, you can add liquid fertilizer - This is an excellent substitute for root dressing.

Nitrogen dressing is useful for building bush greenery. For flowering, potash - phosphorus fertilizers are preferred in a 1: 1 ratio. You can fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers. Usually, dressings alternate for a better effect.


After flowering, the peduncles should be cut after the spikelet becomes dark.

Not only the flower, but also the stem is cut to the very bottom - this makes it possible to ripen a new bud.

Important! In order for the leaves to be large and differ in saturated color, lateral processes must be cut out during transplantation.


A transplant is usually performed after flowering in June. Young Cupid spathiphyllum is transplanted 3-4 times every year. The transshipment method is used, its technique:

  1. The pot must be taken a size larger than the previous one.
  2. At the bottom laid out a drainage layer of 2 cm.
  3. The soil in the pot is well wetted.
  4. The flower is carefully removed along with an earthen lump.
  5. The bush is transplanted into a new pot, the void is filled with a special substrate.
  6. Abundant watering is necessary, in the next 2 - 3 days it should not be watered, it is enough to spray the leaves.

Immediately after the purchase, the land in the purchased container must be used for transplantation.

Aerial roots - small tubercles at the base when planting do not need to be deepened too much. Subsequently, they take root, and will serve as an additional support for the flower.

How to propagate: action algorithm

The easiest and most painless way to reproduce is to divide the Cupido spathiphyllum bush.

    The procedure is carried out in the spring. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Soak the substrate well.
  2. Extract the flower.
  3. The roots are cleaned from dry and diseased roots.
  4. Place the cuts sprinkled with charcoal.
  5. Directly divide the bush. On each part of the separated seedling there should be 2 - 3 rosettes and a part of the root.
  6. The pot is taken 2 cm larger in diameter of the root.
  7. At the bottom lay out the drainage.
  8. The seedling is placed shallow, the roots are straightened.
  9. Fall asleep with soil mixture.
  10. Abundantly watered.
On a note. The flower quickly forms young rosettes, so the division of the bush must be carried out annually.

Diseases and Pests

The most common pests of Cupid's spathiphyllum are aphids and scale insects. Here, washing the leaves with soapy water will help. In this case, the soil is covered with a package, the leaves are washed off with clean water. For prevention, you need to repeat the treatment several times every 3 to 4 days.

The spider mite will help get rid of leaf treatment with a soapy solution with the addition of nicotine - sulfate. You also need to cover the soil with a film, leave the treated leaves for 12 hours, and then rinse with a shower. The procedure is repeated 2 to 3 times.

Prevention of various problems

  • In winter, the doses of top dressing should be reduced, from their excess leaves become covered with brown spots.
  • After flowering, the leaves turned yellow - you need to increase watering, add complex fertilizers, cut out a faded flower stalk.
  • With insufficient humidity, the leaves may dry - spraying is required. Water containers should be placed next to the pots to restore moisture balance.
  • With excessive watering, lack of fertility of the substrate, the leaves may turn black.
  • In a stuffy room, the leaves will become lethargic and lifeless; regular room ventilation is required.

Growing a beautiful Cupid spathiphyllum is easy even for a novice flower lover. The main thing is to follow all the rules of care, transplant, fertilize and take care of it on time.

Watch the video: PEACE LILY - How To Care Indoor House Plant Spathiphyllum - Best Indoor Houseplant (October 2024).

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