God-Origin Flower - White Orchid

White orchids are the most delicate and amazing plants. They are grown in pots on the windowsills of offices and apartments. They decorate the areas around the houses and are used to create wedding bouquets. In China, these flowers are a symbol of elegance and luxury.

If the plant is properly taken care of, it will delight you with abundant flowering. Next, we talk about the features of care: top dressing, reproduction, transplantation. And also, about common diseases and pests.

What kind of flower is this?

White orchids translated from Latin are called "descended from God." Often this is what attracts gardeners.

Plants in appearance may seem inconspicuous. But there are also such varieties, the size of which is 2mm. Orchids can breed in many ways. The extraordinary beauty of plants and the presence of pollen attracts the attention of pollinating insects.

On a note. The main advantage of such a flower is its pleasant aroma and ability to mimic.

Description of appearance

White orchids are flowers that were first discovered in Indonesia and China. Today they can be found in tropical forests and on the plains. Many flower growers prefer to grow them on their windowsills. They subdued with their beauty, so many are so diligently trying to do everything so that the flower grows and develops well.

Taking into account the fact that this plant can grow regardless of the season, you can enjoy snow-white flowers all year round. Providing proper care, the plant will bloom for 6 months.

What varieties are white?

The most common include the following:

  • Angrekum Leonis. This variety has unusual flowers in shape, from which comes a pleasant aroma. The flowers have a delicate color and a snow-white hue. Most often found on the island of Madagascar. Such a plant has sickle-shaped foliage and long peduncles, on which 3 flowers are formed. The flowers are quite large, in diameter they reach 8 cm. They have wax petals that emit a pleasant aroma.
  • Phalaenopsis. This variety is the most popular because it is well adapted to home growing conditions. When buying a phalaenopsis, do not worry about whether he will survive - this white orchid under the right conditions and watering will delight the eye for a very long time.

Breeding History

Europe saw orchids for the first time 200 years ago and at first it seemed a very nondescript plant. But, despite this, there is evidence that the Spanish conquistadors brought the orchid in 1510, but due to improper care, it always died.

The hunters for such flowers made long journeys, as they set themselves the goal of bringing these beautiful plants and learning how to care for them. The first to grow the plant were the British, and after the Chinese. After they were distributed around the world.


Check out the photo of the white orchid:

Potted care

It is important to properly care for the orchid in the pot. After flowering is complete and the flower stalk is dried, it is important to cut it under the base and remove. Top dressing during this period needs to be reduced. In winter, watering is done once a month., if necessary, you can spray the flower with water.

If the orchid needs a transplant, you need to change the location of the pot, rearranging it to another place. If upon leaving you notice that the leaves are wrinkled and yellowed, the flower also needs to be rearranged. So you can achieve regular flowering.

Top dressing

If you are interested in knowing how to care for orchids at home, then you need to pay great attention to dressing. It should be carried out during the growth period no more than once every three weeks. To do this, use fertilizers for orchids. Such indoor plants do not like a large amount of mineral salts in the soil, so fertilizers need to be washed with clean water, alternating top dressing every week.

Important! Specialists often oppose frequent feeding. This can reduce the immunity of the plant, making it vulnerable to various diseases.


A transplant of a newly purchased orchid is not needed. It should be carried out immediately if the flower was planted in sphagnum in the store. When transplanting, you just need to transfer the plant to a new substrate. This must be done carefully.


Reproduction can be done in the following ways:

  1. By the kids. These are small plants that form varieties of orchids. They appear near a large plant and can be transplanted into separate containers as soon as they get a little stronger.
  2. Layering. This method of reproduction consists in the use of layering. Siblings are often formed in cylindrical or thickened shoots. They can be pre-processed, and then rooted and held in a small greenhouse.
  3. Vegetatively. This method is suitable for all varieties of orchids. The rhizome must be divided, leaving a few bulbs. Slices are sprinkled with charcoal, after which all fragments are planted separately.

Diseases and Pests

The most common include:

  • Bacterial spotting. Spots appear on the foliage, the leaves turn yellow and become covered with ulcers.
  • Powdery Mildew Buds and leaves are covered with a white coating, which looks like flour. This disease can cause high humidity and fever.
  • Sooty black mushrooms. Their appearance is often associated with pests such as mealybug, scale insects. They secrete a sticky fluid, which is favorable for the development of the fungus.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that the white orchid is a very capricious plant, but very beautiful. Therefore, if you want to grow it yourself, you will have to work hard.

Watch the video: Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian - White cascade of blooms (October 2024).

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