Features of caring for unpretentious terry balsam and a description of its varieties with a photo

Terry balsam is one of the most popular types of indoor plants. The original appearance, bright and rich colors will not leave indifferent any grower.

Along with beauty, this flower has been widely recognized for its unpretentiousness in growing.

Next, we’ll tell you how to properly care for “Twinkle” or “Roly wet.”
How to transplant, choose the soil. And also about diseases and pests.

History and botanical description

Origin: historical Balsam is home to tropical and subtropical regions of Africa. Family: balsamic.

The story tells of the appearance of balsam in Britain in the 16th century. It was presented to Queen Elizabeth I as a flower on which "sugar tears" froze. In Russia, this flower first appeared in the early 19th century.

Short description: Balsamine (lat. Impatiens) is an annual or perennial herb. Its stems sometimes reach a height of 50-60 cm. Lanceolate-shaped leaves with serrated edges. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a juicy multi-seeded box.

For some of its features, in common people balsam received some other names, such as: "Roly wet" (due to droplets of water that appear on the leaves), "Spark" (thanks to the bright flowers).

Appearance and features

According to some sources, the genus balsamine has up to 500 plant species. They are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Traditional - a type of plant of white, red and pink color with green leaves and spreading stems.
  2. First-generation hybrids are miniature plants with a large flowering mass. Orange is added to the colors.
  3. Hybrids with colorful leaves.

Terry balsamins can be:

  • Cloves.
  • Pinkish.
  • Cameliform.

Varieties with photos


It has several advantages, one of which is universality.

On a note. These flowers can be used to decorate not only window sills in houses, but also balconies, flower beds and flower beds.

Has a long flowering period. And unpretentiousness in cultivation complements the list of all the benefits.

Terry balsam flowers can have different colors: orange, coral, raspberry, purple, salmon, red, etc. Some of them have a two-tone color and colorful leaves.

Photo of balsam Waller.

More nuances about Waller balsam can be found in our article.


Pink-like flowers of this variety can be of different colors: pale pink, coral, red. Some species may be two-tone, for example, an unusual red-white color. Their size is 4-5 cm. The height in the pot reaches 15 cm, in the garden - up to 30 cm. The plant is compact and blooms for a long time.

Look at the photo of the balsam Athena of pink, red and other colors.

Growing instruction

For growing on the windowsill, the cuttings are most often used, and the process that has taken root is transplanted into a pot with prepared soil. Planting balsam in open ground is carried out after frost in the following way:

  1. Before planting seedlings, you first need to water it abundantly in a pot.
  2. Dig a hole and place humus and fertilizer in it.
  3. Gently pulling the plant out of the nursery (pot), plant it in the hole, cover it with earth and tamp. After extracting the plant from the nursery, it is necessary to straighten the roots, trying not to damage them and not shake the ground.
  4. In conclusion, mulching is carried out.

Lighting and location

Terry balsam is a plant unpretentious to lighting. However, it will be optimally placed on the windows of the southeast side of the house. In summer, a terrace or balcony is a great place to plant.

In the garden, balsam may grow in the shade of shrubs, but the shade should be in moderation.

Note! On too shaded areas, the bush will grow intensively upward, adversely affecting the splendor of the inflorescences.

Soil requirements

The soil for terry balsam should be slightly acidic, light and loose. Its oversaturation with fertilizers should be avoided.

Excess ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and other fertilizers can lead to active growth of green mass, and, conversely, to delayed flower formation. The best primer for balsam is a mixture that has the following composition:

  • Sod land - 2 parts.
  • Earth + leaves - 2 parts.
  • Humus - 2 parts.
  • Sand - 2 parts.
  • Peat - 1 part.

No less suitable may be a mixture of earth, leaves and sand in the ratio: earth + leaves (2 hours): sand (1 hour).

Home Care

Proper care - 99% success in growing beautiful and healthy plants. Consider the main components of proper care.

  1. Watering. Balsam should be watered regularly, preferably with stagnant water. Frequency of watering in the winter - every other day, in the summer and in the open ground - every day. It is sometimes important to spray the leaves, while avoiding the ingress of water on the flowers. This procedure refreshes the plant well and prevents the appearance of spider mites.

    Important! After watering, it is imperative to drain excess water from the pan.

    Ignoring this item can lead to rotting of the root system.

  2. Loosening. As all living things need water, so is air.

    To ensure that air enters the root system, it is necessary to loosen the soil regularly. This must be done carefully and not very deeply, otherwise the roots may be damaged.

  3. Top dressing. Terry balsam should be fed year-round, but with different intervals. From early spring to late autumn, top dressing is applied once every 10 days. It can be a common fertilizer for flowering plants, with which the market abounds.

    It is very good to alternate nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. In winter, when growth slows down, 1 time per month will be enough. During this period, it is important that fertilizers contain phosphorus and potassium.

  4. Pruning. When reaching a certain height, terry balsam nip on top. Thanks to this action, new shoots are formed on the sides, the bush becomes lush and beautiful.

    Regularly remove dried leaves and unhealthy shoots from a terry balsam plant.

Diseases and Pests

The most common diseases affecting terry balsam are gray rot and other fungal diseases. Rot appears due to excess moisture. If the disease is not already running, you can remove the topsoil - the location of the fungus, and pour a new one.

On a note. Of the pests, balsam is most often affected by a spider mite and whitefly.

The appearance of the first provokes reduced air humidity. The fight against them is drugs to destroy the tick. As a preventive measure, regular spraying of the leaves is used.

If the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall, it is necessary to check the leaves for the presence of whiteflies. Its larvae are located, as a rule, on the lower leaves and are destroyed by special preparations.

Breeding methods

Balsam flowers are propagated by both seeds and cuttings. However, for terry varieties the best way is the second. It provides excellent retention of varietal qualities.

A cuttings method of reproduction is as follows: in a healthy mother plant, a stalk with 2-3 internodes is cut off and placed in a glass of water. At the same time, its lower leaves break off. The stem takes root within 1-2 weeks, after which it is transplanted into a pot.

Rooting cuttings can be not only in water, but also in sand, and even immediately in the ground. To do this, place it in a pot with prepared soil and pour plenty of warm water with potassium permanganate.

With the seed method of reproduction, balsam is sown, as a rule, in March, but for early flowering in January. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a solution of manganese for 15 minutes. After sowing them in boxes, the latter are covered with a bag and placed in a bright, warm place or greenhouse. After emergence, seedlings are dived into separate cups.

Observing the simple recommendations given in this article, even an inexperienced amateur can grow terry balsam. Beautiful flowers and bright colors will delight the eyes of others for a long time and give a wonderful mood.

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