Kremlin diet for weight loss: a menu for the week, recipes, video tips

Many are trying to uncover the secret of fast weight loss. Some go in for sports, others lead a healthy lifestyle, and still others pay attention to nutrition. The topic of today's material will be the Kremlin diet for weight loss, a menu for the week, recipes for each.

There are many assumptions regarding the occurrence of a diet. One version says that in the middle of the last century, the Americans used it in training the military and astronauts. According to the second version, the Kremlin diet was developed by nutritionists of the USSR and subsequently spread throughout the world. I wonder if it is effective?

The diet is based on wholesome foods along with compotes and juices. It is recommended to consume vegetable fats and refuse potatoes with pasta. However, this is not entirely correct. You need to eat everything. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins, once in the body, are broken down into simple substances, and the energy goes into breathing, heartbeat, mental and physical labor.

For the body to be in shape, it requires a certain amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates. The lack of even one of these components reduces immunity. Protein affects muscle mass and appearance. It is hard to imagine what a complete rejection of it will lead to.

The principles of the Kremlin diet

  1. The basis of the Kremlin diet is the use of protein foods and the restriction of carbohydrates. According to nutritionists, the body spends more energy on the digestion of proteins than they bring in the form of calories. The use of proteins without carbohydrates contributes to weight loss. It is recommended to abandon the use of sugar, white bread, cereals, beans and vegetables saturated with glucose.
  2. A table of products that are allowed to eat is compiled. For weight loss per day, you can not eat more than 40 units of products from the table. One unit in the table corresponds to one gram of carbohydrates. Following the instructions, you will achieve the result.
  3. After reaching the goal you can not stop. Nutritionists recommend that you continue to adhere to the nutrition system, slightly increasing the diet. Drinking at least four liters of fluid daily is recommended.
  4. The duration of the Kremlin diet should not exceed 2 weeks, otherwise it will have a negative impact on health. To maintain well-being, constantly do strength exercises. As a result, the muscles will tone up, and the effect of the diet will increase.

4 stages of the Kremlin diet

Consider the stages of the fight against excess weight through the Kremlin diet. The power system consists of four stages. According to nutritionists, for effective weight loss and the elimination of harm to health, you must adhere to all the rules.

  1. The duration of the first stage is 2 weeks. The amount of carbohydrates in the diet is recommended to be gradually reduced to twenty units. This will contribute to the rejection of sweets, flour products, chocolate and vegetables rich in starch. It is allowed without restriction to eat cheese, meat, fish and eggs. For the specified period of time, it is possible to lose 2-10 kg. The result is determined by metabolism.
  2. In the second stage, the achieved results are consolidated and the diet is gradually expanding. The number of units of food increases by twenty points per week. If the weight has stopped or is increasing, it is recommended to reduce the amount of carbohydrates to the level of the first stage. Eat evenly and regularly, trying not to overeat or starve. To expand the diet, seeds, nuts and berries are suitable.
  3. The duration of the third stage is at least three months, because it is focused on consolidating the results. The number of units in the diet is increased by 20 points. With the appearance of negative dynamics in weight loss, everything is corrected by reducing the number of units. Sixty units are enough for weight loss and fixing the result without harm to health and well-being.
  4. As part of the final stage, a gradual exit from the diet is carried out, attention is focused on consolidating the result. During this period, it is allowed to eat ordinary dishes and sweets, controlling weight. The main thing is not to break, otherwise the lost kilograms will return and bring friends.
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The advantage of the diet is that it provides a result without harm to the body. With its help, you can get rid of extra pounds. You only need to have willpower and stick to the menu. From the list you can choose products and create an individual menu. As a result, the diet will provide a good mood and positive dynamics of weight loss.

Menu of the Kremlin diet for a week

Recently, the popularity of the Kremlin diet has increased. People find it effective and interesting. It is not surprising, because it differs from other diets that prohibit most foods, the ability to eat almost everything.

As you already understood, the essence of the Kremlin diet boils down to minimal carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are a source of energy, and when their deficiency is observed in the body, it replenishes the supply due to fat deposits.

Of greatest interest is the menu of the Kremlin diet for every day. When creating it, it is recommended to be guided by personal preferences and capabilities. It is important that the number of units matches the target. For weight loss, the daily diet is 40 points, and for weight maintenance - 60.

Having correctly compiled the menu, it is possible to lose 5 kilograms in a week, and in a month the result will reach 15 kg. As an example, I’ll give a menu for every day for a week. Based on this sample, you can independently adjust the diet.

  • Monday. For breakfast, scrambled eggs with bacon and herbs, a little low-fat cheese and a cup of coffee without sugar. It is recommended to have lunch with celery soup, mushroom salad, beef steak and unsweetened tea, and for dinner a little boiled chicken meat with a tomato and a handful of walnuts is suitable.
  • Tuesday. The beginning of the day - three boiled eggs, stuffed mushrooms, cottage cheese and a cup of tea. For lunch, pork kebab, a portion of vegetable salad and a plate of cabbage soup. Dinner consists of cauliflower, fried chicken breast, cheese and tea.
  • Wednesday. In the morning, eat three boiled sausages, a portion of fried zucchini and unsweetened tea. For lunch - vegetable soup, beef chop, coleslaw and coffee. End the day with boiled fish, tomato, olives and a glass of kefir.
  • Thursday. Start the day with boiled sausages with a side dish of boiled cauliflower. Have a meal at dinner with a plate of chicken broth, vegetable salad, lamb and coffee, and in the evening cook fried fish, complemented with cheese and lettuce.
  • Friday. For the first meal, an omelet with cheese and tea will go. For lunch - carrot salad, soup and escalope. For the evening table - coleslaw, boiled fish, cheese and a glass of wine.
  • Saturday. It is recommended to start the day with scrambled eggs with sausages, cream cheese and tea. For lunch, eat a plate of fish soup, a portion of baked chicken meat and a vegetable salad. For dinner - boiled meat, tomatoes and kefir.
  • Sunday. For breakfast, cook boiled sausages and add eggplant caviar. Lunch on the weekend with a meat hodgepodge, chicken skewers and salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. For dinner - baked salmon, hard cheese, kefir and lettuce.
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The proposed menu includes a variety of products and dishes. Eat meat, fish, vegetable snacks throughout the week. There are no sweet foods on the menu - eating sugar is harmful.

Recipes of the Kremlin diet

The Kremlin diet made a lot of noise. According to doctors, a healthy diet is not comparable with a lot of animal fats and protein. They claim that the constant use of meat dishes does not contribute to weight loss. But there are people who have achieved the result using this technique. As for diet reviews, they are controversial.

Continuing the topic of conversation, I will consider recipes of the Kremlin diet. Traditional recipes of fish and meat diet are welcome. It is recommended to make a number of changes to dishes, which are based on flour, starch and other carbohydrate components.

  1. Caesar salad. To start with 100 grams of cheese, 100 milliliters of sour cream, a pinch of salt and pepper with a blender make a sauce. Then 200 grams of chicken breast, 100 grams of root celery, 3 tomatoes and half the pepper, cut into cubes, and lettuce leaves tear by hand. Combine and season with sauce. More recipes here.
  2. Kremlin omelet. Beat three eggs with two tablespoons of milk and fry in a pan with olive oil. Use two pans to make a pancake. Add a little boiled champignon or spinach as an additive.
  3. Celery Soup. For cooking, you will need five liters of water, one carrot, one onion, one hundred grams of root and three hundred grams of stem celery and half sweet pepper. Cut vegetables, put in a pan and boil until soft. Mash with a blender. Serve with sour cream.
  4. Fish casserole. Pass a small hake filet with two tablespoons of cottage cheese and two onions through a meat grinder, add half a glass of milk, a spoonful of soft butter, an egg and a pinch of pepper. Salt the mixture, mix, put in a mold and bake.
  5. Rustic paste. Put a spoonful of butter in a medium saucepan and sauté the chopped onion. Sauté the onions along with 500 grams of chicken liver into a blender and chop. In a separate bowl, mix one and a half kilograms of minced pork with two eggs and spices. Add the liver with onions and mix. It remains to move the mass into the mold, cover with foil and bake.
  6. The vinaigrette. For an appetizer, you need three hundred grams of sauerkraut and celery root, one hundred grams of boiled carrots and boiled beets, a couple of spoons of canned peas and a little oil. Cut vegetables, mix, season with oil and salt. Vinaigrette is ready.

These are not all recipes that the diet welcomes. In preparation for writing the material, I studied many sites and found many recipes. Collecting them in one article is unrealistic. I chose interesting options. I hope you find yourself something suitable.

Watch the video: Model interview. Liza. Daily menu. Healthy food. Diet Weight loss. ENG subs (October 2024).

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